Leaf Queen

Chapter 671 One Human Race

Chapter 671 Unifying the Human Race (3)

It turned out that everything was like this.

"Is it okay? I'm going to leave first, Zi Jing will stay with you from today on." Ye Li got up, left this sentence coolly, turned around and left.

Zi Jing's eyes widened, and just when she was about to speak, Jun Qiting stepped forward to stop Ye Li, "Wait a minute!" She was a little embarrassed and embarrassed, and said: "The monarchs of the four countries have been making noise in the imperial palace, and they are still yelling. I want Jinhuang to give them an explanation, otherwise, I will leave tonight and join forces to attack Jinhuang. The courtiers were bluffed by them, and they jointly threatened me to make a quick decision, and hosted a banquet for the monarchs of the four countries to escort them go home."

"..." Ye Li looked at Jun Qiting from head to toe in surprise.

Cooperating with her on the front line, all kinds of hard work have brought her back to the whole country. She is not domineering, and she is bullied like this?

"Aren't you quite unruly and willful before? People still call you a little devil, but now, are you led by the nose?" Ye Li couldn't help asking.

Jun Qiting silently lowered her head and bit her lips in embarrassment.

Ye Li frowned, held her chin directly, and helped her lift her head up, "Since the crown is on, don't lower your head, otherwise, the crown will fall off."

Jun Qiting nodded obediently, and straightened the crooked crown with her hands.

She listens to whatever Ye Li says.

The corners of Ye Li's lips twitched slightly, and he really began to think seriously about what Ji Yanran said, whether Jun Qiting is qualified for this position.

"Let's go, lead the way. Where did you lose face? I'll get it back for you." There was an indifference in her tone.

Jun Qiting squinted her eyes and smiled, calling the little eunuch to guide them.


Tsinghua Palace.

Accompanied by the eunuch's yelling, Ye Li followed Jun Qiting and a group to enter the Palace Master.

At night, a group of courtiers were still wearing court uniforms, standing on top of the court hall, trying their best to please the monarchs, and when they saw Jun Qiting coming, they restrained themselves a little. After that, one or two were stunned, and immediately knelt down respectfully, asking for Jun Qiting's peace, and did not forget to add "Miss Ye Jin An".

Under everyone's attention, Jun Qiting walked up to the high platform generously, stood in front of the throne, looked down at the courtiers below, and the four monarchs whose faces were obviously not very good. measures.

However, she did not sit on the throne, but stood up and said: "Your Excellency, please forgive me."

A group of kneeling people stood up from the ground.

"Empress Jinhuang, you left us here for a long time and let a group of old guys drag us. At this moment, shouldn't you give us an explanation?" Qinglong Monarch looked at Jun Qiting impatiently, without any politeness in his words .

After listening to Zi Jing's explanation just now, Jun Qiting gained a lot of confidence, dragged her long skirt and took two steps forward, and said with a formulaic smile: "I'm really sorry to keep you guys waiting so long. It's just that I don't know much about the peace talks, so I went to the imperial study to look through the ancient books, which delayed some time. I think you guys are broad-minded, so you don't mind."

"Negotiate peace?" The Qinglong Monarch seemed to have heard some joke, and sarcastically said: "The empress has bad ears, we are not here to negotiate peace, if you don't give us an explanation, be careful that we will crush your Golden Phoenix Empire." His eyes were full It is fiercely hostile.

(End of this chapter)

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