Leaf Queen

Chapter 710 Sorry, wait for me

Chapter 710 Sorry, wait for me to come back (7)

Sitting up neatly from the ground, he strode towards Ye Li, "What did you do, the injury on your body..." Before he finished speaking, Ye Li suddenly threw himself into his arms, wrapped his arms around his waist, and hugged him tightly. he.

Jun Fengyu's body froze, realizing that something was wrong, he patted Ye Li's back lightly, and kept his voice calm, "Hey, what's wrong?"

Ye Li leaned her head into his arms, warm tears flowed out, instantly wetted his clothes, and made his heart beat violently.

"Xiao Ran..."

"Jun Fengyu..." Before he finished speaking, she was interrupted by her clear voice, "I'm sorry..." Following her words, the room was filled with a fragrance.

Jun Fengyu and Shen Xue, who had no strength, only smelled a little smell, and their brains began to feel dizzy.

Ye Li noticed that the man's figure was slightly unstable, so she left his embrace, raised her head, met the shocked and angry eyes, pulled her lips into a smile, stood on tiptoe, and kissed his lips.

He suddenly grabbed her arm with exceptional strength, but he was finally defeated by the medicine and fell down slowly.

Ye Li supported his body, carefully placed him by the wall, looked at the panic and pleading emotions in his blurred eyes, and smiled brightly.

Bowing his head, he broke off his fingers holding her tightly one by one, got up, and walked out of the cave resolutely without looking at him again.

There was a violent sound behind him, as if his body hit the ground, Ye Li didn't turn his head, but accelerated his steps out of the cave.

Seeing the dark sky again, she leaned heavily on the rocks, the smile on her lips turned into a wry smile, muddy tears overflowed her lips and teeth, seeped into her tongue, and the taste was extremely bitter.

She wanted to leave a sentence of "I'm sorry, wait for me to come back", but the word "wait for me to come back" was lingering on the tip of her tongue but she never said it.

The sky and the earth are big, and there are different changes every day. She really doesn't know if she will see him again after saying goodbye today.

Her only long-cherished wish is to wish him well, and wish him no worries.

Looking at the cave for the last time, she said softly, "Goodbye..."

Goodbye, or the last farewell, or looking forward to seeing us again.

She quickly ran away from the cave, and within a short distance, she saw Di Lian and Di Yan who were waiting for her.

A long distance away, Di Lian stared at her red and swollen eyes, suddenly became irritable, and casually threw a bottle of potion to her, and said: "Take it and you can restore your strength, come to find it in God's Pavilion." Me." Then he summoned the Ice Phoenix and left with Diyan Takong.

Ye Li silently squatted on the ground, picked up the bottle of medicine, and suppressed the pain in his heart.

Uncap the bottle and drink it in one gulp.

But in just a few minutes, turbulent power filled her body.

He closed his eyes, got rid of distracting thoughts, opened his eyes again, sharp and clear, using the air defense technique, and flew towards the cliff of offering sacrifices to the sky freely.

Standing on the top of the cliff of offering sacrifices to the sky again, turning his head slightly, glanced at the abyss of offering sacrifices to the sky, and walked away from the cliff of offering sacrifices to the sky with steady steps.

The back is lonely and thin.


Leaving the scope of the cliff of offering sacrifices to the sky, Ye Li arrived at the city of the emperor's pavilion within a short distance.

Compared with the evil edge of hell she stayed in before, the city of Emperor Pavilion seems to be much more prosperous.

She first found a hiding place, changed the blood-stained purple shirt, put on a white gauze skirt, took out the mirror, looked at the face that was recovering, put on the mask and cloak again, Walk towards the central area of ​​the Imperial Pavilion City.

(End of this chapter)

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