Leaf Queen

Chapter 739 Win

Chapter 739 Win (2)

She suddenly sat down cross-legged, retracted the hidden blade, turned her mind, and the Guqin of Yingyue appeared, stroking with ten fingers, and the smooth sound of the piano came out.

The force of nature blesses the sound of the piano, forming a sound blade with great lethality, attacking the four people and the four beasts.

At the same time, the stars fanned their huge wings, and dropped countless golden flames, which landed on the four monsters. For a moment, the sound of wailing and roaring on the field complemented each other.

The powerful coercion released forced the onlookers to have a splitting headache, and they retreated and retreated.

As if he didn't know the situation, Ye Li focused on playing the piano and increased his attack strength. The sound of the piano fell, forming a layer of light green enchantment, trapping the four monsters and four people in it, and then disturbing the mind of the monsters with the sound of the piano. In a short time, the four monsters All of a sudden, they went berserk, crazily agitated in the barrier, and fought bloody into a ball, while the four of them fled in a panic, and were cornered step by step by the four monsters.

"Admit defeat, we admit defeat!"

"Stop stop! Stop!" In the barrier, the four shouted hysterically.

While begging for mercy, they ran away in embarrassment, but their voices were covered by the roar of the monster, and those who didn't know thought they were cursing Ye Li.

Ye Li turned a deaf ear to this and focused on the sound of the piano.

Above the Divine Phoenix, she was dressed in fluttering white clothes, with a clear and beautiful face, like a fallen god, unparalleled in elegance.

The onlookers were mesmerized by the sight, and even more so were the palace masters in the auditorium.

Ye Li had blinded their eyes by being able to [-]v[-] before, but now he can not only [-]v[-], but also [-]v[-] plus [-] monsters!
Even they may not be able to do it, is this girl going against the sky?

Also, that golden flying bird is the Phoenix, the god of the sky?
Forgive them for their ignorance and ignorance, but they have never seen it before. It looks so domineering, so sacred, and the attack power should not be too fierce!
Die Ying frowned and gritted her teeth. How could this girl have so many cards?
First it was Hidden Blade, then it was Yingyue Guqin, and now it is this phoenix. What is the origin of it? It is so powerful at such a young age, and treasures have been produced one after another.

Di Lian was also quite surprised.

It should be noted that no matter who it is, many of its heaven-defying treasures and super monsters will be temporarily sealed in this evil hell, and they will be unsealed one by one after their strength reaches a certain level.

He had previously guessed that Ye Li had a contracted monster. Now, seeing her strength, it is normal for the monster to be unsealed, but this monster is not normal.

Don't look at other things, just look at the posture of the appearance, the coercion of the king is actually comparable to his ice phoenix, this girl... is really not simple.

"Holy Master, the outcome of the match has been decided. I'm willing to admit defeat, and ask the Holy Master to order the stop of this match. If it continues, people will die." Qingxuan Palace Master suddenly knelt down and begged with an ugly face.

According to the current progress of the game, if it continues, without Ye Li making a move, the disciple they have cultivated for a long time will die in the hands of the four monsters. In this way, they will really lose their wife and lose their troops.

The Lord of Zilei also knelt down, with a look of resentment, "Holy Master, this Ye Ling is so young, but he is so ruthless, relying on his strength to kill people, please stop the competition."

"Hallmaster's words are wrong." Die Ying stood up with a smile, "The monster was summoned by the Four Saints himself. Everyone knows how powerful the monster is. They clearly wanted Ye Ling's life. Why not Ye Ling fight back now?"

(End of this chapter)

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