Leaf Queen

Chapter 752 1 Pick 5

Chapter 752 One Pick Five (2)

A bright smile rose from the corner of Ye Li's lips, and he jumped up suddenly, broke through the siege of the five people with a powerful and unstoppable momentum, floated up into the air, and then swooped down suddenly, with a single palm, he used endless power to strike all around. people.

The green light formed an enchantment, trapping the four of them in it. Looking up at Ye Li from top to bottom, the four of them opened their eyes wide in shock, feeling the strong power in her palm.

How can it be?

How can this be?

Obviously half a month ago, Ye Li's strength was only about the same as theirs, but it's only been so long, her strength is actually...

The four of them were shocked, and hurriedly mobilized all their strength to resist Ye Li's powerful attack together.

However, after ten strokes, Ye Li stunned to beat the few people with strong strength and complained again and again, and began to realize that it was a mistake for him to come to Ye Li to seek revenge.

Ye Li seemed to be drunk, swinging casually in the mid-air, rushing down from time to time, kicking someone, and then rising to the mid-air very quickly, really disgusting several palace masters and palace masters.

I don't know how many times he was kicked in the face by Ye Li, the master of Zilei was completely angry, and summoned his own contracted monster with a roar, and rushed towards Ye Li with its teeth and claws.

The other people did the same and summoned the contract monsters together. Even the woman who had been disfigured by Ye Li before summoned the monsters and rejoined the battle circle. A pair of eyes full of hatred stared at Ye Li, as if To tear her to pieces.

In an instant, the battle situation changed from [-]v[-] to [-]v[-]!

Ye Li raised his eyebrows, but his eyes were solemn.

As far as the strength of these hall masters is concerned, they are much stronger than those brats some time ago. If she hadn't entered the seventh floor of invincibility and her strength has improved by leaps and bounds, she would never be the opponent of these five people. .

Now that she was able to easily win against the four of them, she already felt the burning pain in her dantian. Obviously, as Di Lian said, her current body could not support such a strong consumption.

Now there are five monsters that are more powerful than the other five...does she want to summon the stars?
This idea only stayed in her mind for a second before being rejected by her. She won the duel with Jin Heng and others last time, but it was so easy because of Xingchen's help. Who knows if Ye will win in the end? It is said that it is not counted because of the stars.

Therefore, she can only fight on her own in this battle now, as long as she wins these five people and these five beasts, the previous match is no longer important!

Moreover, with her current strength, she may not be incapable of fighting.

"Bitch, where is your contracted beast, let him come out and shine." The master of Zilei challenged.

Last time Ye Li fought against four monsters plus four people who had been maimed by her. Now they are five intact people, plus five intact monsters. He doesn't believe that she can win like last time. easy.

"Look at your posture, don't you want to pick ten out of ten? Why don't you take advantage of the limelight and perform a stunt for us, how about showing us your other side against the sky?" one of the female palace lords stimulated her road.

She clearly wanted to catch Ye Li's youthful weakness and stimulate her competitive spirit. When she got angry for a while, she really didn't summon Shenhuang to come out, so that they won without fighting.

After all, it is only Di Lian who can fight against the five masters and five monsters of Hell with one's own strength. As for Ye Li, it is undeniable that she is very strong, but compared with Di Lian...

Ha ha!

(End of this chapter)

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