Leaf Queen

Chapter 864 Sister Huashang

Chapter 864 Sister Huashang (2)

She spoke one person at a time, Ye Li's cheeks flushed slightly when she heard it, and she lowered her head shyly.

After hearing "Hua Shang"'s explanation, of course she knew that it was Jun Fengyu who knew that she was here, that's why he asked Hua Shang to look for her.

"I'm fine, thank you sister Huashang for your concern, come in, sister Huashang." Ye Li smiled for Huashang to open the blocked door.

"Hua Chang" nodded slightly at her, then stepped into the room majestically.

Feng Qiling on the side just stared in a daze, and then walked in, surprised: "So you really know each other, and you haven't introduced me yet." He put his hand on Ye Li's shoulder habitually .

"Hua Chang" caught a glimpse of the hand hitting the thin shoulder, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, but he didn't make a sound.

On the contrary, Ye Li opened Feng Qiling's hands calmly, and then calmly introduced Huashang's name and her identity as the God of Stars to him.

When his eyes were full of heart, and he looked at Huashang with a god-like adoring gaze, she drove Feng Qiling out on the grounds that she hadn't seen her for a long time and wanted to talk to her sisters.

Locking the door, she walked to the table and sat down again, propped her head and looked at Huashang with a squinting smile, "Sister Huashang, did you come here for the heart of the Ming clan?" It's normal for the subordinates to run around and help Jun Fengyu find things.

"Hua Chang" nodded slightly, "One is for you, and the other is for the heart of the Ye clan. Some people say that this place is not suitable for a little girl to walk around, so let me protect it." She said slowly.

Ye Li's heart warmed up, and the corners of her lips curled into a smile unconsciously, "Is he still in the Demon Race or has he returned to the Emperor's Palace? Is he injured?" Because she didn't treat Hua Chang as an outsider, she naturally expressed her heart talk.

But after she finished speaking, she lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Hua Chang" looked at the little girl's shy appearance, but a dazzling purple flashed in her golden eyes, and then receded in an instant, leaving only a faint doting emotion.

"He's fine, he has some things to deal with, and he went to the Chaos Realm." She gave a random reason.

Chaos Realm?
Another new word came out, and Ye Li probably understood that it was a higher plane, so he didn't ask any more, but nodded a little puzzled.

Since Hua Chang chatted a few words casually, she brought the topic back to the right track, looking for the heart of the Ming clan.

"Hua Chang" seemed to be very clear about the affairs of the underworld. Before she could say anything, she had already talked about the matter in the Xiuhun Pavilion, and pointed out the location of the heart of the Hades and the imprisoned powerful human soul.

Ye Li suddenly grasped the point of her words, and asked: "You mean the endless purgatory, where Wushuang uses the heart of the underworld to repair a powerful human soul's broken soul?"

Ye Li's reaction was a bit intense, which made "Hua Chang" feel that something was wrong. He frowned slightly, but still nodded.

Ye Li's eyes were rippling and lustrous, as if he had guessed something, his eyes became firm and eager.

"Hua Chang" frowned even tighter, guessing something, and asked calmly, "You are for that powerful human soul?" So excited.

Ye Li looked at Hua Chang, smiled and nodded at her, "I'm here, one is about the Ye clan, and the other is to find an old friend."

An old friend?

"Hua Chang" tightly clenched the hands hidden under the sleeves, and when he turned his eyes, he roughly guessed who the old man was, more precisely... who was imprisoned in the endless purgatory.

(End of this chapter)

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