Leaf Queen

Chapter 891 Return of the King

Chapter 891 Return of the King (5)

"Brother!" Ye Qingxuan called him emotionally.

Ye Qingyun shook his head, stepped off the throne, passed the crowd, and left the hall.

"Father..." Ye Chengfeng walked up to Ye Qingxuan, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Qingxuan, "Take your friend to hide in that small world."

"how about you?"

Ye Qingxuan suddenly looked at Ye Chengfeng seriously, "The burden of the Ye clan is not the eldest brother's alone. There is no reason for him to carry it alone. Even if he dies in battle, I have to accompany him."

After speaking, he went to chase Ye Qingyun.

Ye Chengfeng stood there in a daze, his brows suddenly hardened.

He turned his head and said to Su Chen: "Brother Su, the entrance to that small world is in a landscape painting in the study room of the apse. With your intelligence and wisdom, you can definitely find it."

"As a member of the Ye tribe, I can't be stage-frightened. I have to accompany my father. You are not from the Ye tribe. There is no need to go through this muddy water. Thank you for your help these days, but let's leave now." After finishing speaking, he nodded to several people, then turned and left.

But after taking two steps, he stopped again, turned his head to look at Su Chen and the others and said, "Don't follow, protect your own life, otherwise, Ye Li will go crazy and die of guilt."

After speaking, he decisively left the hall.

Su Chen and the others were left to look at each other in blank dismay, with extremely solemn expressions.

"What's the matter?" Song Jin jumped up anxiously.

God knows that when they saw the six giant dragons in the sky, they almost went crazy from fright!
That was the first time in their lives that they saw such a powerful and domineering creature. Even though they were separated by several miles, they could still feel the endless and powerful deterrence.

It's hard to imagine, if they face each other, will they be turned into flying ash in an instant.

"Su Chen, what do you think?" Xiao Nian looked at Su Chen calmly.

Su Chen scanned the crowd one by one, his eyes became sharper, "Don't panic, act cautiously, find Xiaoran first."

The strength of their group is not very strong, but the friendship with Ye Li is very strong. Want them to be deserters?

Sorry, can't do it.

"Let's go together, brother Zhantian, you protect Xiaojin." Su Chen analyzed rationally.

Zhan Tian nodded.

The group immediately left the hall.

However, they hadn't gone far when they heard the sound of weapons clashing from the direction of the palace gate.

Looking at the sky again, the six giant sky-swallowing dragons have receded far away, gradually hiding in the clouds.

Su Chen and the others looked at each other, when you quickly rushed to the gate of the palace.

In front of the palace gate.

Holding a pure white staff, Bei Chenli stood tall in the air, looking down at the scene of the battle between the elites of the Protoss and the guards in the palace of the Ye clan, with a determined smile on his lips.

"Your Majesty, do you want to strengthen the attack?" A general in black behind him stepped forward.

Bei Chenli smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry, the Ye Clan only has this palace left now, if you bite it to death, it won't be fun." He was not so optimistic before, but Ye Chen gave him a big surprise .

He couldn't even think about six sky-swallowing dragons, but Ye Chen actually got them.

With such a powerful backstage, he no longer needs to be afraid of the Emperor God Palace. He certainly doesn't have to worry about dealing with a Ye clan.

"Your Majesty, look..." The general suddenly pointed forward to him.

Bei Chenli looked along, but saw Ye Qingyun flying from behind, with a fierce murderous aura all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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