Leaf Queen

Chapter 898 Return of the King

Chapter 898 Return of the King (12)

Ye Qingyun carefully looked at Ye Li's pale face, and did not notice that she was injured, so he breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes were full of relief and desolation, "Father is at ease because you are fine."

The incident happened suddenly last night, he didn't know where Ye Li had gone, and then... He held on to his last breath, just wanting to hope, wait, if he could see Ye Li for the last time.

In the end, God favored him and let him get his wish.

"Father, it's Ye Chen, right? It must be him, don't worry, I'm here, I'll help you heal now, I..." She raised her hand tremblingly, the palm condensed with the power of nature.

But Ye Qingyun grabbed her hand, shook his head at her with parted lips, and stuffed a blue-gray Xun with ancient patterns into her hand.

"However, don't waste spiritual power on father, it's useless." His voice was erratic, and there was always a kind and soft smile on his face.


"However, this xun contains a trace of thoughts from Su Chen, Zhan Tian, ​​Xiao Nian, Tang Yue, Yun Yin, Jian Zhu, Song Jin, and Chengfeng... At that time, the incident was in crisis, and my father's ability was limited. You can't keep them, you can only help you keep them in this way..."

"I still have one thought, as long as I go to the Falling Leaf Pond, I will be able to revive them. My father also integrated his life's cultivation into this Xun. It is a gift for these children. I only hope that they can replace their father in the future. looking at you."

"Father has been busy with the affairs of the Ye clan all his life, and owes you a lot. This time... is the only thing father can do for you."

"I hope you are happy, worry-free, and live a healthy and healthy life. Don't be attached to the Ye clan, let alone the dead. Promise your father that after your father leaves, you will leave the Ye clan and go find you Sister, go find Jun Fengyu, they...have the ability to protect you."

His voice became weaker and his face became more and more ugly, and his words were full of reluctance, exhortations and worries for Ye Li.

Ye Li didn't speak, but held onto Ye Qingyun's hand tightly, and the hot teardrops fell down one by one like broken pearls.

"However, listen to what my father said, don't seek revenge, don't be blinded by hatred, and live happily." Ye Qingyun seemed to have a premonition, staring at Ye Li's face that didn't change much, speaking earnestly Said.

Ye Li took a deep breath of cold air, smiled with his lips curled up, his lips trembled slightly just as he said the word "Father", Ye Qingyun smiled and nodded to him, followed by... his body quietly turned into a green leaf, circling and flying towards The sky is intertwined with the fallen leaves all over the sky.

Ye Li suddenly raised his head, and looked after the endless green leaves. In the blink of an eye, he couldn't tell which leaf belonged to Ye Qingyun.

The wind blows the remaining leaves, and they disperse endlessly. As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer green leaves in the sky, and the strong natural force in the air dissipates.

Everything has returned to calm, except for the endless ruins and dust on the ground, there is no trace of the breath of the Ye people, and it is difficult to find even a green leaf.

If you really complied with the sentence, the mind will be scattered, and the people will be completely scattered.

The Ye family was destroyed, the whole family was destroyed, even their thoughts were gone, they completely disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared in the past tens of thousands of years, leaving no traces.

She's the only one left...

"Plop—" she suddenly knelt on the ground, and the xun slipped from her hand, hitting the ground with a crisp sound.

(End of this chapter)

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