Leaf Queen

Chapter 94: In a trance, remembering the old

Chapter 94: In a trance, remembering the old (1)

The screams followed, Ye Li raised his hand again, and mercilessly lowered the whip, lashing at Jun Qiting's legs, feet, and neck in turn, focusing on the painful areas, and mercilessly.

"Ahhh!!!" Jun Qiting screamed endlessly.

This was the first time that she, who was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, was whipped in public. She rolled and hid in the ring in embarrassment, and she had long lost her noble and elegant image.

Ye Li's attack was serious, she was so hurt that she could only dodge, and even wanted to beg for mercy, she had already lost the mind to think about other things!
At the moment Ye Li's mind is full of Zi Jing's previous injuries, he only thinks about how to make Jun Qiting more painful, and doesn't think about whether Jun Qiting can bear her whipping at all.

Strips of welts gradually covered Jun Qiting's body, and the bright red blood stained the floor as she rolled. Her screams changed from strong to weak, and finally she could only make a slight muffled sound, which seemed to be numb from pain. Trembling like a sieve.

Zi Jing stood in the audience and stared dumbfounded for a long time, she was at a loss for what to do.

The students watching the battle looked so shocked as if they had been struck by lightning many times. They all watched with wide eyes, and they were so quiet that it was unbelievable.

Su Chen and the others were also a little stunned, their expressions became extremely subtle.

Ye Li beat people, and the beating made people feel very good. Every time the whip fell, it seemed to fall on Jun Qiting, but in fact it hit their hearts. The aura was extremely fierce, and it spread to the surroundings little by little, giving people a feeling that they dare not make a sound to intrude.

Make people fear her invisible!

Time passed by little by little. For Ye Li, the whole process was fast, but for Jun Qiting, it was as long as years. From the beginning of her arrogant expression, she now became lifeless, like a dead fish, motionless. lie on the floor.

Ye Li casually threw away the long whip in her hand, turned her white wrist slightly, and a dagger with a cold light quietly appeared in her hand. She manipulated the dagger skillfully, as if she didn't notice that she was in front of the public, A long-lost evil smile rose from the corners of her lips, and she slowly squatted down, bringing the dagger closer to Jun Qiting's chest.

The blood-stained field, Jun Qiting lying in a pool of blood, Jun Qiting covered in scars, dying Jun Qiting, and the evil and ruthless Ye Li, many teenagers on the field were frightened and even terrified. Some people even hold their mouths.

No one of them felt that there was anything wrong with Zi Jing suffering all this, after all, she was just a lowly girl.

But Jun Qiting suffered everything... but it made them feel the coldness and fear they had never experienced before!
The princess of a country was beaten like this by Ye Li, what if it was them instead?
Seeing that the dagger in Ye Li's hand was about to be pierced into Jun Qiting's heart, many teenagers' hearts were already in their throats!
They didn't dare to speak out, let alone curse, just because the murderous aura that enveloped Ye Li's body chilled their hearts and made them stay away!
She didn't have a ferocious expression, no angry distortion, and she didn't say a single harsh word, she just finished the cruelest thing in the most relaxed state as if she was playing!

She didn't show any indecent words or deeds, but she invisibly left a shadow on their hearts... the shadow of the devil!

"Princess Qiting, do you think I should kill you now? Or slowly torture you until you die?" Ye Li put the dagger on Jun Qiting's chest, and stabbed it into her flesh little by little. Blood gradually stained her clothes red.

(End of this chapter)

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