Leaf Queen

Chapter 951 Playing With Me?play with you

Chapter 951 Playing With Me?play with you (2)

She fell into a trough in despair, and a sense of despair slowly climbed into her heart.

She had seen how powerful Ye Li was not long ago, but she never expected that she would be so powerful, injuring Su Qingcheng, Su General, Pofeng and her one after another with lightning speed.

She thought that Li Xie didn't like her and was unfeeling towards her, but she didn't expect him to be so unfeeling. She was on the verge of life and death, but he looked at her with murderous eyes.

Faintly felt that Ye Li's hand was getting closer to her soul, obviously wanting to kill her directly, her body trembled slightly, and she said slightly, pretending to be calm, "You, you dare to kill me... people from the demon race can't kill me." here……"

"Hmm..." Listening to her words, Ye Li really turned his head to glance at the demons standing behind Li Xie, raised his lips, and smiled brightly.

Suddenly disappeared in place.

Immediately afterwards, several green lights flashed in the demon team of about 20 people, like a whip waving, but there was no scream.

Mei Ji, who lost her bondage here, dared to let go of her hanging heart, thinking that she was free, but in an instant, a cold sharp blade was quietly placed on her neck, hooking her neck and forcing her to turn around. He turned his head and looked towards the place where the demons had stood before.

Only the blood-red mist was left floating in the air, except for Li Xie, no demons survived.

Her heart shook, and her eyes widened suddenly, full of disbelief.

"Hey, now that the people you rely on are all dead, so let's leave Li Xie alone. Why don't you beg him...I can promise that as long as he pleads for you, I will spare you this time?" Her voice was soft and gentle.

She knew that Mei Ji liked Li Xie... It would be too cheap to simply kill her, and let her die without torturing her heart, how could it conform to her image of a bad person?
Meiji knew clearly that Li Xie would not save him, and she knew even more clearly that Ye Li's hands were hard, and that she was not trying to scare her by saying that she was going to die. At this critical moment, she thought about it, and still held on to her last hope. Begging to look at Li Xie humbly, and said weakly, "Your Majesty, I..."

"Kill her!" Li Xie interrupted her coldly, and looked away in disgust.

Meiji froze all over, the blood in her whole body was frozen instantly, her expression became a little dull, and her heart felt an unspeakable tearing pain.

"Of order, brother-in-law!" Ye Li stretched out the word "brother-in-law" on purpose, and with a smile, he squeezed the dagger that was pressing on Meiji's neck. Immediately, wanton blood flowed down the arc of the dagger, especially "delicate and lustful" drop".

Meiji's heart was raised instantly, and a tear fell from the corner of her eye. She took a sharp breath of cold air, her eyes were suppressed with crazy anger and hatred, her hands were secretly circulating endless devil energy, as if she was about to make a final struggle.

"That's enough, Ye Li stop messing around." Shen Xue, who had been silent by Jun Fengyu's side, suddenly stood up and scolded her seriously, "Do you know what a pity it is for you to kill those people just now? Many levels after the city require teamwork to complete, the greater the strength of the people, the greater the possibility of going to the end, you are simply hurting people!"

Her sudden utterance caused everyone on the field to cast their gazes at her.

She was dressed in a snow-white tunic dress against her plump figure, and that refined and exquisite face was painted with exquisite makeup, which was very beautiful, and there was a sense of immortality all over her body, which made people look sideways and yearn for her.

(End of this chapter)

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