I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1011 I'm trying to have a baby with my wife

Chapter 1011 I'm trying to have a baby with my wife

Huo Xiong, who had been pretending to be dead, also suddenly said: "Brother and sister-in-law are such good people, they have no hostility towards me at all, and my brother even secretly talked to me once, asking me to take good care of my family, even if I can't get the right to inherit, he It also ensures that my family has no worries about food and clothing, and my sister-in-law does not discriminate against our family in any way, even if I am a beast, I would not do such an outrageous thing."

Several people didn't speak any more, Grandma Huo seemed to believe Huo Xiong's words.

It's just that they all denied it. Who was behind that strange car accident?

After eating enough, Huo Tianyi sat on the sofa, Xia Nuanxin and Huo Tianhui were called by Jia Yuhong to the bedroom on the second floor to test the gender of the baby in her belly.

"Sister-in-law, please give me some more money." Huo Tianhui pestered Xia Nuan heartily.

"Tianhui, your brother and I gave you a large sum of money to invest in you. Do you want to advance the money now or after you graduate?"

Huo Tianhui didn't say a word, if she opened a few chain stores like Huo Simo after graduation, her brother could help her invest tens or hundreds of millions, and she would be able to hold her head up in front of Huo Simo.

Huo Tianhui gritted her teeth and said, "No, I want to save money, can't I save money!"

Seeing Huo Tianhui's sullen look, Xia Nuanxin finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "How about giving you another two thousand a month?"

"Okay! Okay! It's stingy enough."

"Well, I'm just a bit stingy. You see, since your brother handed over his salary card to me, he hasn't lost any arms or legs. Isn't he living a good life? Besides, you can tell me if you encounter a big problem. It's not like my brother and I don't care about you, you're a kid with millions of cards, aren't you afraid of being kidnapped?"

"Find a reason for my stinginess." Huo Tianhui said unconvinced.

Seeing Jia Yuhong coming out of the bathroom with a smile on her face, Xia Nuanxin suddenly had an ominous sign, her husband's wish seemed to be shattered.

"Mum, is sister-in-law pregnant with a boy or a girl?" Huo Tianhui ran over and asked excitedly.

Jia Yuhong said in a good mood, "What do you think?"

"Looking at you smiling so wickedly, it looks like a patriarchal old feudal man, so he must be a boy." Huo Tianhui said disdainfully.

"You guessed it right." Jia Yuhong said happily to Huo Tianhui.

After finishing speaking, I still didn't forget to say happily to Xia Nuanxin: "Nuan Xin, you see that your small body is quite up to date."

As soon as Jia Yuhong finished speaking, Huo Tianyi broke in and immediately hugged Xia Nuanxin into his arms.

"You have occupied my wife for more than half an hour, are you annoying?"

Jia Yuhong: "Why did my son become a wife slave?" '

"Son, Nuanxin gave birth to a son for you, which means she gave birth to a grandson for me. I am so happy today! How about it, I will move to Yiran Pavilion tomorrow to cook for you!"

"You are not a nanny or a chef, you will only disturb me and Xin'er En'ai if you go."

Huo Tianyi lowered his head and kissed Xia Nuanxin's side face, then sighed and said, "I don't feel very happy, I just wanted a daughter, but I have a son, I can only have a baby with my wife Yes. Hey! How I want a little lady like my Xiner!"

"You are stupid, Xiaoyi, only after you give birth to a son can the position of Huo's president be more stable."

"I don't care, that is, you are thinking about the old man's shares and the position of Huo's president every day." Huo Tianyi said sarcastically: "I think it will be rare and easy to step down as Huo's president. My own property is enough for me and my heart." I don’t care about food and clothing, I’m easy to be satisfied, so I don’t value these things.”

"Brother, I found that since you and sister-in-law were together, you seem to have realized everything." Huo Tianhui couldn't help but speak.

"What's so enlightened, I think it's just not seeking to make progress." Jia Yuling said dissatisfied.

PS: The college entrance examination is coming up soon. I wish the candidates who chase Manmanwen the gold list. Manman will go to other places to supervise the college entrance examination today.

(End of this chapter)

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