I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1022 Actresses Are So Obsessed With Him

Chapter 1022 Actresses Are So Obsessed With Him

"Only you can show your presence in front of Emperor Qin, why can't I?" Xia Xiaoxiao gave the screaming actress a hard look.

The actress who was rejected by Xia Xiaoxiao's novel, blushed and retorted: "I don't have one."

Qin Mutian looked at the domineering little woman, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and he didn't speak, wanting to see what the little woman wanted to do.

Xia Xiaoxiao glanced at the beautiful actresses around her, feeling sour in her heart. She knew before that Qin Dayingdi had many fans and female fans, but she never expected that even these second-tier, third-tier and even eighteenth-tier actresses would be so obsessed with him .

It's really annoying.

"Qin Yingdi, hello! My name is Xia Xiaoxiao, summer in summer, small in size, I am your die-hard fan, I have always liked you since junior high school, and I still like you all the time now, I hope to have a good relationship with you friend."

Qin Mutian pursed his lips coldly, what the hell are you doing, little girl?

"Well, yes."

Xia Xiaoxiao took out one of her own notebooks, handed it to Qin Mutian with a decent face, and said, "Film Emperor Qin, please sign me first, I will frame it when I get home, and when I see your handwriting, I will Like the person who saw you, I worship you every day."

Seeing Xia Xiaoxiao's direct confession, several actresses felt a little disdainful.

One of the actresses, Chao Xia Xiaoxiao said: "Actor Qin is going to join Xiao's production team in the future, why don't you worry about seeing him, and still worshiping him, what he said is so pervasive."

"That's different. My die-hard fan is different from your pure fans. I really like my idol."

"What you said, we seem to be greedy for Qin Yingdi's international status, and we also admire Qin Yingdi's acting skills and character." One of the actresses said reluctantly

Xia Xiaoxiao asked with a bit of taste: "Since you really like Qin Yingdi, tell me how many movies and TV dramas he has acted in so far, and what roles he played in the movies and TV dramas. What's your name?" Xia Xiaoxiao looked provocatively at the group of so-called fans who were obsessed with Qin Mutian.

"Qin Yingdi has acted in so many films, how do I know how many there are, and how can I remember so many roles." After finishing speaking, the actress asked back: "Do you know all the questions you asked us?"

Xia Xiaoxiao began to speak slowly: "The Best Actor Qin has acted in a total of [-] movies, big and small, and eight TV dramas. I won't talk about the roles of guest appearances and special roles. The first debut work is..."

After Xia Xiaoxiao's novel was finished, Qin Mutian himself was so surprised that his eyes almost dropped. The little girl seemed to be really infatuated with him back then.He actually knew such details. In fact, he himself didn't know such details.

Qin Mutian stretched out his hand and held Xia Xiaoxiao's little hand tightly, his cold eyes showed heat.

"Thank you for being so kind to me."

"You're welcome, I like you, that's why I treat you so well."

Seeing that the woman who came to strike up a conversation had done enough work, several actresses who eat melons blamed themselves in their hearts that they should Baidu Niang in advance, so that they could have something to say in front of Qin Mutian.

"Ha, Qin Yingdi looked up close, you are so handsome, how about this, as a big fan of yours at noon, can I treat you to a meal?"

Qin Mutian looked at the little girl talking blabberingly, stretched out his hand and patted Xia Xiaoxiao's shoulder, and said coldly with his unique deepness: "It's fine at noon."

(End of this chapter)

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