I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1026 Don't force me to fight with you

Chapter 1026 Don't force me to fight with you
"Okay, thank you Brother Huo, it seems that you really can't be unfeeling towards Sister Ruoxi." Bai Ruoxi asked tentatively.

"Too much nonsense."

After Huo Sixuan finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly, and then glanced at the little girl on the co-pilot.

Although the little girl didn't say anything, she definitely cared in her heart.

Usually, she is always very happy when she is sitting in the car, and she loves to make jokes.

"Little Fei'er, if you care, I don't have to go. Anyway, her life and death has nothing to do with me. I don't need to go to her house. It makes my little Fei'er feel bad." Huo Sixuan said with some distress.

Gu Fei'er grinned slightly, and said, "Let's go, even if it's just an ordinary friend, we can't do nothing, besides, Bai Ruoxi and you..."

"Little Fei'er, I said that I have never loved her, and I have always only had you in my heart!"

"Even so, she may not think so in her heart, maybe she still loves you all the time."

Huo Sixuan's heart tightened, and he said that this little girl would also care.

"That's her business, nothing to do with me."

"Little uncle, let's go! Let's just help her once!" After Gu Fei'er finished speaking, she suddenly tilted her head to the outside.

The sourness in my heart should be swallowed into my stomach!
As soon as Huo Sixuan turned the car, he drove towards Mu Yuyuan.

When the two arrived at Mu Yu Garden, Gu Fei'er said thoughtfully: "Little uncle, go up by yourself, I'll wait for you in the car."

"No, you can go up with me, you wait for me in her living room."

The two came to the door on the sixth floor and knocked on the door. Meng Chuqing opened the door for them and called out: Brother Huo. "

Then he glanced at Gu Fei'er with displeasure, and said, "What are you doing here? Do you want to piss off Sister Ruoxi?"

Huo Sixuan cast a sharp glance at Meng Chuqing, and said sharply, "Shut up!"

Gu Fei'er ignored Meng Chuqing and followed Huo Sixuan into the hall, where she sat on the sofa.

Huo Sixuan and Meng Chuqing went directly to Bai Ruoxi's bedroom.

Meng Chuqing led Huo Sixuan into the bedroom, and called softly: "Sister Ruoxi, Brother Huo is here."

Bai Ruoxi slowly opened her eyes, took a piece of tissue, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and shouted weakly: "Xuan, what are you doing here? Let me fend for myself!"

Huo Sixuan glanced at Bai Ruoxi, and said calmly: "You want to fend for yourself, so you shouldn't let me know of your existence."

After hearing Huo Sixuan's words, Bai Ruoxi's tears became more intense.

"Xuan, let's go." Bai Ruoxi was already sobbing.

Huo Sixuan turned around and was about to leave.

Meng Chuqing pulled him back all of a sudden.

"Brother Huo, how can you be so cruel? If you don't send Sister Ruoxi to the hospital, she will be infected, which is dangerous. You know that Sister Ruoxi's breasts have been raped by that bad guy and she has already lost her immunity... The immunity is very low , why don't you have any sympathy?"

As soon as Huo Sixuan turned around, he grabbed Meng Chuqing's chin and exerted a little force, "There's too much nonsense, don't force me to fight with you."

Meng Chuqing then burst into tears, "Ahem! Brother Huo, you've changed, you've become so cruel!"

Seeing Meng Chuqing being so wronged for her own sake, Bai Ruoxi reluctantly moved her body.

"Xuan, please don't treat Chuqing like this, she only cares about me to bother you."

Huo Sixuan glanced at Bai Ruoxi indifferently, and said, "The body is your own, you don't cherish it or care about it."

"Okay! I'm going to the hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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