I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1036 Give me some resources

Chapter 1036 Give me some resources
Huo Tianyi smiled lowly: "Xin'er means that I'm still a little bit better than Huo Sixuan, right?"

"Narcissism!" Xia Nuan was thinking about her toes, and put her small hands on the handsome faces on both sides of the man, twisting it lightly: "If you keep going from now on, maybe you are a good man, now? Ha!" Xia Nuanxin sold a tube and stopped talking about the following.

"Xin'er, wife, you must have done it on purpose."

The two bickered at the gate as if no one was there.

Looking at Gu Fei'er with envy, "Little uncle, I think the way Nuanxin and the guy who hit up a conversation is so loving!"

"Little Fei'er is envious of others? Do you think the way we get along is not what you want?" Huo Sixuan asked angrily.

"No, I don't like the temper of the guy who strikes up a conversation, he's playful, and he's too flirtatious."

Just as Gu Fei'er and Huo Sixuan were about to enter the hall arm in arm, they saw a beautiful woman in an enchanting dress walking over.

Grabbing Huo Tianyi's arm, he didn't care about Xia Nuanxin who was beside him.

Gu Fei'er covered her mouth in excitement.

Just now I said that flirting with men is flirtatious and flirtatious.

She has become a crow's mouth no matter what, it must be the love debt left by the man who hit up the conversation before.

Gu Qingqing has received a large sum of money from Huo Tianyi since she was hidden in the snow. If she quit the entertainment industry according to Huo Tianyi's request and made some investments, she would definitely be able to live comfortably, but she was unwilling and took an entertainment circle The money was quickly squandered and scammed.

Without a source of life, and being terminated by the company, Gu Qingqing begged the heads of several modeling agencies, but none of them dared to ask her again.

She guessed that it must be because the woman who offended Huo Tianyi last time was picked up by him and made trouble behind him, so these modeling agencies dare not take her.

This industry where Jiangshan beauties work as waiters was obtained after shedding several layers of relationships.

"Second Young Master, I beg you to let me go and give me some resources. I'm about to go begging on the street now."

Xia Nuanxin looked at this tall girl, as if she had seen her somewhere before.

Suddenly remembered, it was the Gu Qingqing who was exposed to fighting for flesh and blood, last time she snatched clothes from herself in Chanel, and Huo Tianyi bought that Chanel store at a high price and gave it to her in a fit of anger .

"Get out!" Huo Tianyi kicked away the woman who was hugging his waist.

This woman is so clueless.

It was not enough to give her such a large sum of money.

Gu Qingqing stood up clutching her stomach, walked in front of Xia Nuanxin, and accidentally drove the fruit knife hidden in her body on Xia Nuanxin's neck.

Everyone held their breath for a while.

"Gu Qingqing, don't touch her." Huo Tianyi roared anxiously.

Gu Fei'er kept covering her mouth in fear, looking at the sharp knife that Gu Qingqing put on Xia Nuanxin's neck.

Huo Sixuan looked calm, after all, he was someone who had seen big winds and waves.

"Huo Tianyi, you took me to Li Yihuan's dance party. I trusted you like a fool, thinking you liked me, and I was secretly happy about it for several days. Being exposed to the public makes me look like a beggar now, I hate you!"

"Shut up, if you haven't done those nasty things yourself, you won't be caught. How can you blame me for this?" Huo Tianyi walked towards Gu Qingqing slowly.

"Don't come here, if you dare to come here, I will stab her neck and let him see Hades immediately." Gu Qingqing said frantically.

(End of this chapter)

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