I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1044 She Decided To Pursue Him

Chapter 1044 She Decided To Pursue Him

"No problem, this is what I should do." Mu Haitian made an OK gesture after speaking.

As soon as the two walked out, they ran into two people, Yu Tiantian and Huo Tianhui.

It's understandable for Huo Tianhui to come to see her brother, but why is Yu Tiantian here to join in the fun.

"Brother, long time no see."

Huo Tianhui still greeted Huo Sixuan proudly.

Gu Fei'er was still ignored.

Let her be called a sister-in-law?Why?
"Well, just go in by yourself, what does an outsider look like?" Huo Sixuan became angry when he saw Yu Tiantian.

He glanced indifferently at the pretentious woman.

He doesn't have a good impression of Xiaosan who destroys other people's families.

After hearing Huo Sixuan's words, Yu Tiantian said eagerly, "Mr. Huo, I have no other intentions. It's not that I'm worried. I'm worried about him. I want to see him and leave."

"Are you sure you want to go in? Her wife is accompanying the bed." Gu Fei'er couldn't help adding.

Yu Tiantian looked at Huo Tianhui pitifully.

Huo Tianhui spread his hands, then smiled at Huo Sixuan, and said, "Don't worry, elder brother, sister Tiantian will take a look at second brother, and then leave. Nothing will happen. Besides, my sister Tiantian is not the kind of person who destroys others." The girl of the family."

"I'm too lazy to care about it. What does it matter if I destroy it or not?" Huo Sixuan got angry after hearing Huo Tianhui's words, and pulled Gu Fei'er away from the hospital.

Huo Tianhui shook her fist at Huo Sixuan's back, then gritted her teeth and said to herself: "Your temper is still so bad, you should be a bachelor for the rest of your life, and it's okay to have a child!"

Although Yu Tiantian heard Huo Tianhui's scolding, she always felt that Huo Tianhui's attitude towards her had changed a bit.

She knew her thoughts very well before, but she didn't know if what she said just now was true or not.

If she doesn't use it for herself, what use is this chess piece for her? It will only be troublesome.

"Xiaohui, what you said just now, you know what I'm thinking, I'm to your brother..." After Yu Tiantian finished speaking, she began to cry again.

"Sister Tiantian, don't cry. I was fooling Huo Sixuan and Gu Fei'er just now, so when your brother was injured, you must go and see her, or let that woman occupy this brother alone, they The feelings are more profound, so how can it be."

Huo Tianhui suddenly felt that Yu Tiantian was becoming more and more annoying.

I don't know if it's because of being bought by that Xia Nuanxin, she likes this Xia Nuanxin more and more in her heart, and she feels more and more jealous of Yu Tiantian.

Went to University B, followed that Xia Nuanxin's idea, dressed a little more low-key, deliberately concealed her identity, coupled with her beautiful appearance, unexpectedly several handsome men expressed their love to her.

But she was not interested, and she was actually interested in a rural old hat who was indifferent to her in the class.

The point is that she is a purely visual animal. In addition to being from the countryside, that old hat actually looks very good.

We were doing activities together a few days ago, she fell and broke her leg because she was running too hard, that guy picked her up without saying a word and went to the hospital on campus.

He paid her and bought lunch, but still treated her coldly. She decided to pursue him.

When I was in university abroad, I was mixed with a group of rich second-generation circles, always eating, drinking and having fun. In their spare time, they would also date, have sex, and play games without any emotion. Fortunately, my brother provided her with a driver and Butler, she didn't dare to make a mistake, for fear that he would find out and interrupt her finances.

(End of this chapter)

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