I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1062 The Strongest Partner

Chapter 1062 The Strongest Partner

"Me too!" Wu Xiaotian said shyly.

"Wow! Dad, I really want to see how cute and coquettish you are to Mommy now. I want to take a picture of it and put it on the Internet, eh! Rubbing the headlines."

"What's rubbing the headlines? People at the level of director Wu, do we still need to rub headlines? There are headlines every minute, but we don't bother to mess with the things these young people do." He Fei explained while driving.

As soon as a few people entered the shooting area, they attracted frequent glances from everyone.

Seeing Gu Fei'er walking in, Xia Chenman immediately got up from the recliner and ran over quickly.

Seeing that everyone around was looking at them, he put away his feelings, looked at Gu Fei'er's small face, and asked worriedly, "Are you here?"

Wu Xiaotian smiled: "It's okay, the filming will start soon, is Xiaoman ready?"


Gu Fei'er found Xia Xiaoxiao, and then found a place to sit down. The two surrounded Xia Chenman and Qin Mutian to watch their rivalry.

Of course, most of the other people around who didn't play a part were reading the script, figuring out the plot, or watching Xia Chenman and Qin Mutian's performance.

"Xiao Xiao, it's no wonder that your husband has been able to defend the title of actor for several times. His performance is so innocent."

"Of course, the most important thing is to be handsome, right!"

"Xiao Mian, look at your shyness."

Xia Xiaoxiao looked at Qin Mutian's handsome face, and smirked: "Your mommy is not bad, but I'm surprised, your father and mommy are both 40 years old, why do they look like they are in their twenties? Yes, especially Mrs. Xia's 40-year-old playing Xiao Shi, who was married in her teens, has no sense of disobedience."

Gu Fei'er proudly said: "It's well maintained." Suddenly recalling the scene of meeting Wu Xiaotian for the first time, she couldn't help but chuckle: "Xiao Xiao, let me tell you, the first time I saw my dad At that time, I thought he was my mommy's baby boy. Haha!"

"You are blind, there is no way."

The two stopped talking, and looked seriously at the scene where Xia Chenman and Qin Mutian just met.

Qin Mutian: "My concubine is thirteen today, but she is already married to this king as my concubine at such a young age. If this king wants to guard the frontier for my father, I need my concubine to stay alone for several years, waiting for me to come back."

"My concubine is waiting for you to return in triumph. Don't worry, my lord. I will take care of myself." The shy little face blushed, and then she took out a jade pendant that was married with her and handed it to Emperor Sui, Yang, and Emperor, "My lord, this is my concubine." I hope that you will bring it with you as a wedding gift given by my mother to the concubine, so that in the remote frontier, you can occasionally think of the concubine at home to read the prince and return home during the night of rest."

Xia Chenman, played by Xia Chenman, turned around, tears streaming down her face.

But for the sake of her husband's peace of mind, she was strong enough not to shed tears in front of her man.

So the grievances can only be borne by a 13-year-old girl.

"Crack! Pass!" Wu Xiaotian said as soon as he finished.

The people around couldn't help applauding.

"Ms. Xia's acting skills are so innocent."

"Film Emperor Qin is not bad either. Their rivalry is simply the strongest partner."

A group of people surrounded Xia Chenman, and of course Gu Feier and Wu Xiaotian also surrounded her.

Many people handed over water naturally.

"Xiao Man, are you tired? Drink some water and rest for a while." Wu Xiaotian said thoughtfully.

The man's tall and muscular body held up the sky for her.

(End of this chapter)

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