I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1081 The situation has changed

Chapter 1081 The situation has changed
"It can't really be Director Wu and Teacher Xia's little princess, but it seems that the ages don't match."

"It's Director Wu and Teacher Xia who are too young."

"It should be, this girl looks too much like Teacher Xia."

Sun Qiuyu listened to everyone's discussion, and looked at the warmth and intimacy between Gu Fei'er and Huo Sixuan.

I also believed Gu Fei'er's words, they were indeed together because of love, and it had nothing to do with money.

Huo Sixuan gently dragged Gu Feier's butt, Gu Feier hugged Huo Sixuan in an extremely indecent manner, the two of them didn't care about other people's opinions.

"Little uncle, I miss you so much, I miss tea and food, and Xiao Xiao and Qin Yingdi, as well as Mommy and Dad show their affection in front of me every day, I am almost tortured to death by them."

Wu Xiaotian and Xia Chenman: "We have a very good relationship, but we treat you well, right? My husband hastily complained when he first arrived, is it really okay?" '

Xia Xiaoxiao: "You and Uncle Huo abused me like this when my film emperor Qin wasn't around before, and now I've finally gotten back the game." '

Qin Mutian got up and walked over, and said calmly, "Here you are?"


Several people seemed to be in a good mood, and they didn't realize that the situation in City B had changed.

Huo Sixuan carried Gu Fei'er to Wu Xiaotian and Xia Chenman's independent lounge, and the hard-working director Wu Da and Xia Chenman decided not to bother, and gave the young couple who had just met a chance to have a heart-to-heart talk.

Huo Sixuan carried the little girl to the big bed, and listened attentively to the child's movements.

Gu Fei'er said with a smile: "Little uncle, Yueyue is still young, so I shouldn't be able to hear the movement inside."

"It's not too young, it's been almost six months, and it should be possible to give birth after the new year!" Huo Sixuan said expectantly.

"Little uncle, why don't you ask the doctor about your gender?" Gu Feier asked while hugging Huo Sixuan's neck.

Huo Sixuan touched Gu Fei'er's cheek lightly, and said: "As long as it is born by Xiao Fei'er, no matter whether it is male or female, it is my favorite baby. I only hope that he will come to this world in a healthy and healthy way. Now that I know it, there will be no There’s a sense of mystery and anticipation.”

"Little uncle, I heard that sister Nuanxin has been tested. It seems to be a boy baby. Do you think grandma will be very angry if I give birth to a girl?"

"It's my child. Even if she was unhappy at the time, it was only for a while. Besides, it is not easy to want a son. We will find another chance to have another one in the future. It's not a big deal. Besides, your husband is not short of money."

Gu Fei'er nodded, and said in distress: "Little uncle, if grandma blames me for not living up to my stomach, you can help me."


After Huo Sixuan finished speaking, he picked up the little girl, his voice was hoarse and low: "Little Fei'er, we should be able to make out for a while."

"No, this is the rest room for Dad and Mommy, I'm not used to it."

Huo Sixuan immediately hugged Gu Fei'er, kissed the little girl's small mouth, and said, "In this case, let's go to the hotel."

"Okay! But I have another play this afternoon."

Huo Sixuan hugged Gu Fei'er while walking and said, "I'll ask you for leave."

"I'm just a young actor who isn't even in the [-]th line. Let everyone wait for me, isn't it good!"

"But you are also Director Wu's daughter, so it's not too much to be selfish once." Huo Sixuan walked out holding Gu Fei'er in his arms.

Xia Chenman in the hall had already fallen asleep on Wu Xiaotian's shoulder, after all, she was also an older pregnant woman.

(End of this chapter)

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