I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1119 She Has A Thick Waist That She Is Pregnant

Chapter 1119 She Has A Thick Waist That She Is Pregnant
"Let go of me, crazy, I'm full, and you still let me eat, are you free?" Xu Xinyan yelled at Lu Tianting angrily.

Yin Ruochen, who was driving the car, was so frightened that his heart ached. This Miss Xu had always known that she was a bit hot-tempered, but it was the first time he heard of scolding his big boss so directly. The boss wouldn't strangle her to death.

"Have a meal with me, why are there so many things?" Lu Tianting's voice was not angry, but also a little gentle.

Yin Ruochen's heart trembled even more when he heard the big boss's gentle tone.

"Boss, shall we go to the hall or the private room?"

Lu Tianting glanced at Xu Xinyan who was hiding from him, and said, "Go to Li's Hall."

"Ah? Your identity is going to the hall, will this make headlines?" Yin Ruochen asked in surprise.

"Call Li Jingshen to join us," Lu Tianting said.

Yin Ruochen felt a little helpless, what did Boss Lu do?
After getting out of the car, Yin Ruochen hurriedly called Li Jingshen's special assistant, Tian Ye, and explained Lu Tianting's wishes.

Several people went directly to the lobby on the sixth floor. Huo Sixuan, Gu Feier, Huo Tianyi and Xia Nuanxin had a pleasant meal.

Lu Tianting took Xu Xinyan's little hand and sat down directly opposite Huo Sixuan and Gu Fei'er like a gust of wind.

Now that the war is on the bright side, he, Lu Tianting, no longer hides it.

"Lu Tianting, you let go, you hurt me." Xu Xinyan yelled at Lu Tianting angrily.

When Gu Fei'er heard this name, her body froze, she forgot to chew the lotus root in her mouth, and looked straight at Lu Tianting and Xu Xinyan.

Why is Brother Lu here?

"Little Fei'er, try this fried shrimp, does it taste better than the one in our city B? If you like looking at handsome guys, then turn your head and look at your husband. Your husband is the most handsome." Huo Sixuan Attached to Gu Fei'er's small face, and turned her small face to him.

Lu Tianting listened to the conversation between Huo Sixuan and Gu Feier, glanced at them, and sat down with Xu Xinyan.

Mu Haitian said deliberately: "Mr. Lu, I took a closer look. Your little sister Fei'er is not as good-looking as Miss Xinyan. I don't know what kind of vision you have."

"Get out!" Lu Tianting yelled at Yin Ruochen.

When Xu Xinyan saw the furious Lu Tianting, she also looked at Gu Feier. She had seen the little girl opposite her before. She had a face as white as water, a long cotton T-shirt with a fat upper body, and a loose denim suspenders on her lower body. The trousers are already amazingly beautiful without any makeup on, I am really ashamed of myself.

"I don't have a good-looking parent." Xu Xinyan muttered.

"How is it possible? In fact, I feel that the two of you have similar temperaments. For example, your skin is so good, your hair is black and soft, and Miss Xinyan has a small figure. She is still as thin as a girl after five months of pregnancy. You seem She has a better figure than Boss' little sister Fei'er, look at her bucket waist, even though she is covered by the baggy jeans, she is still a lot fatter." Mu Haitian praised Xu Xinyan without hesitation.

This time Lu Tianting didn't yell at him again, but his eyes still glanced at Xu Xinyan a few times.

Xu Xinyan curled her lips and said, "What do you know, if someone has a thick waist, she is pregnant. Can't you see that she is wearing flat shoes? This girl has been pregnant for at least six months."

Lu Tianting suddenly raised his head and looked at Gu Fei'er.

Has Miss Mayfair been pregnant for so long?

In other words, she was pregnant when we last met.

(End of this chapter)

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