I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1124 Is Your Butt Itchy?

Chapter 1124 Is Your Butt Itchy?

"I know I made a mistake before, but haven't I already explained it clearly to you, why are you pushing me again? Now that you have a woman you like, why do you still hold on to me and my little uncle?"

Gu Fei'er raised her head and glanced at the lonely Xu Xinyan who was eating slowly at the opposite table by herself.

Hearing Gu Fei'er's words, Lu Tianting raised his head and glanced at the small figure who was eating silently, it seemed a bit pitiful.

"I don't need you to blame me." Angrily, Lu Tianting stood up and walked in front of Xu Xinyan, grabbed her arm, and pulled her in front of Gu Fei'er and Huo Sixuan.

Xu Xinyan broke it hard, but she couldn't break Lu Tianting's big hand, and said displeasedly: "Lu Tianting, let me go, it hurts so much!"

Xu Xinyan had tears in her eyes, her little hand was still held by Lu Tianting's big hand, and she sat down with him.

Gu Fei'er glanced at Xu Xinyan, who was tearing up beside her, and just about to speak, she heard Li Jingshen speak first: "Mr. Lu, why do you have to be a little girl, and you have come to our hotel under Mr. Li today. My biggest face, I did it."

Lu Tianting also picked up the red wine glass and drank it in one gulp, with some kind of anger.

Gu Fei'er looked at this weird scene, Xu Xinyan lowered her head, she seemed very wronged, and she was still very angry with Lu Tianting.

She immediately said to Lu Tianting: "Brother Lu, this woman is pregnant, if she is in a bad mood, she will have a miscarriage."

Xu Xinyan was obviously taken aback when she heard the word abortion, she just didn't want the child to come into this world, but now that the month is so old, she also hopes that the child will be well.

"Don't cry." Lu Tianting yelled at Xu Xinyan.

Xia Nuanxin couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately said to Lu Tianting: "You are still a man, why are you so bad-tempered, how can you yell at girls, my husband and Uncle Huo have always been gentle with their wives , look at you, why are you so uneducated."

Lu Tianting gripped the red wine glass in his hand hard, and it shattered with a 'snap'.

Glass slag was inserted into the palm of the hand, but it didn't feel much pain.

Because the heart is throbbing and it is difficult to breathe, this little pain can no longer be felt.

"Brother Lu, do you want it?" Gu Fei'er was anxious and grabbed Lu Tianting's arm.

Huo Sixuan hugged Gu Fei'er into his arms with all his strength, and warned coldly: "Gu Fei'er, you are so healed that your scars forgot to hurt, is your butt itchy?"

"Little uncle, brother Lu is injured, he will get tetanus." Gu Fei'er worriedly looked at Lu Tianting's big palm that was dripping blood all the time.

"A man can't die." Huo Sixuan said angrily.

Xia Nuanxin saw Lu Tianting's anger, and moved into Huo Tianyi's arms with some fear.

Huo Tianyi realized the nervousness of the little woman, narrowed his dangerous eyes, and glared at Lu Tianting.

"Mr. Lu, no matter how angry and sad you are, and you haven't seen your son yet, if you just disappear like this, wouldn't this lady and your child lose their support early?" The voice was raised, but it was dangerous and provocative.

Lu Tianting got up, grabbed Xu Xinyan's arm with a big bloody hand, and said to Huo Tianyi: "I am an orphan who was born with a mother but no father, so the upbringing here is like a dog, fart, since I If you are so uneducated, then when we meet again in the business field, we don’t have to worry about the word education.”

(End of this chapter)

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