Chapter 1126

Several people went upstairs, Lu Tianting finished taking the medicine, and was going to take Xu Xinyan to the obstetrics department to check the baby's condition.

After all, after hearing Gu Fei'er's words, she was really a little scared.

Any bad mood will affect the baby's growth.

As soon as she walked to the door, Xu Xinyan suddenly saw her sister Xu Haitang with a sallow face, walking out of the obstetrics department clutching her stomach.

"Haitang, what's wrong with you?" Xu Xinyan walked over excitedly, forgetting that she was five months pregnant.

"Be careful." Lu Tianting hugged Xu Xinyan's body at once.

Only then did Xu Haitang see his sister and a man standing in front of him intimately.

"Sister." After Xu Haitang finished speaking, he threw the test form into the trash can.

Xu Xinyan immediately bent down and picked it up.

"Haitang, tell sister what happened to the child you killed?" Xu Xinyan asked anxiously.

When Xu Haitang heard Xu Xinyan's question, 'Wow' burst into tears.

The one who cried was really sad, with snot and tears.

Xu Xinyan hugged Xu Haitang and let her vent.

"You go for an examination first. I'll talk about your sister's affairs later when I get home." Lu Tianting was a little annoyed by Xu Haitang's crying, and pulled Xu Xinyan over, gently pushed her into the obstetrical examination room, and swaggered by the way. followed in.

Xu Haitang who stayed where he was was suddenly stunned.

When did my sister have such a handsome boyfriend and she was pregnant?

Why didn't she tell herself?

And why does this man look so familiar?
I seem to have seen it somewhere.

When did my sister climb up to such a big figure?

"All the tests of the baby are within the normal reference values. Mr. Lu can rest assured that Madam's anemia has improved a little bit. I still need to continue to add nutrition. I will send you a nutrition menu for the second trimester later."

Xu Xinyan was about to refute when she heard the word 'madam'.

Then Lu Tianting held down his shoulder.

"Then when is my wife's next check-up scheduled? Make an appointment for me in advance. I have to arrange a time to have a pregnancy test with her."

Xu Xinyan curled her lips, speaking like a good man.

Also accompany her to take a pregnancy test?Who cares.

"Next month, I will have a full-body four-dimensional screening. I have already made an appointment for Mr. Lu. From No. 11 to No. 30 next month, you can come any day." The doctor said politely.

The two walked out slowly. Xu Haitang sat in the lounge and rested for a while, and the pain in his abdomen eased a little.

Just about to stand up, Xu Xinyan immediately supported Xu Haitang.

"Slow down, Haitang, tell my sister what happened?" Xu Xinyan asked excitedly.

When Xu Haitang heard Xu Xinyan's question, she began to wipe away her tears again.

"Don't ask, sister, I want to go home."

"You must not go home now. If you let your parents know, you will definitely be pissed off."

Xu Haitang immediately said: I'm not saying that I want to go back to our hometown in the countryside, I just want to go back to your and brother-in-law's home to recuperate for a while before going back to school, you see, if I go back to school now, the root cause of my illness will be left behind, sister, a miscarriage It's still half a month old, and besides, I did it artificially by myself, which hurts women even more. "

Xu Xinyan blamed a little angrily: "Since you know that you have hurt yourself so much, why do you let yourself get pregnant?"

"I'm not careful, let's go, I'll tell you when I get home." Xu Haitang has returned to his nonchalant look.

Come back home?

It wasn't his own home at all, but the demon's home.

PS: The story of Xinyan and Lu Lu is also very exciting, don't miss it!Silently support me.

(End of this chapter)

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