Chapter 1132 Marriage Agreement

At such a young age, Chief Lu Tian had never comforted a woman. Even when he was with Gu Feier when he was a child, he quietly accompanied Gu Feier who was suffering from depression, but he didn't have too many words to comfort her.

"I'm malnourished, I'm not naturally short! It doesn't matter how much you want, I have no sense of morality and shame like a beast."

Seeing that the little woman scolded Lu Tianting, he stopped crying and felt much more relaxed.

For the first time, I said awkwardly: "Do you think I lack a woman?"

Xu Xinyan took a look at the handsome, rich and handsome man. It is undeniable that he really has no shortage of women.

"No shortage."

"Your sister has a big model, Zhao Feiyan, is she in good shape?"


"Does your sister have a good-looking first-line actress Huamei?"


Lu Tianting snorted coldly and said, "I've had enough of playing with these women, you think I'd like your sister, who can't stand on stage and is greedy for vanity."

Xu Xinyan: "This man can't even speak a single word, he's so old." '

After hearing Lu Tianting's words, Xu Xinyan said angrily: "I'm even worse than my sister, why do you want to touch me, why don't you let your Feiyan and Huamei give birth to you?"

Lu Tianting pulled Xu Xinyan and carried her directly to the bed, and said indifferently: "It's your scum that grows like dirt, so I can rest assured at home, and even more at ease when I take it out."

This man has no thorns when he hurts others.

Only you can rest assured, and your whole family can rest assured.

"Come here and sign."

"Sign what?" Xu Xinyan asked in confusion.

Lu Tianting glanced at the ignorant little woman.

It is indeed too small.

With a small body that weighs less than a hundred catties when she is pregnant, someone will definitely believe that she is a middle school student who has not graduated from junior high school.

Such a small group bears all the living expenses of the younger brothers and sisters, but they themselves live frugally, living no differently from beggars on the street.

"Purchase contract!"

Xu Xinyan saw that Lu Tianting had taken such a large amount of documents, she shook her head in fright, and said, "What time is this? I tell you this is illegal. You can't mess around. I'm not your body worker, and I won't sign you. the bond of sale."

For this country bumpkin, being Lu Tianting's lifelong body worker is the dream of every unmarried woman in C City.

Lu Tianting pulled Xu Xinyan's little finger and pressed it on the red ink pad, and it landed on the signature of the thick stack of materials.

"Lu Tianting, I don't want to sign, you go away, are you waiting for me to give birth to a child, then sell me to a foreign slum as a platform girl, let me tell you, look, I don't have much meat on my body, and the bed The technology is not good, so it’s worthless, and you don’t need these pennies anyway, you won’t follow the example of Emperor Wu of the ancient Han Dynasty to Mrs. Gouyi, kill the mother and keep the son.”

Xu Xinyan was crying nervously. In fact, she is not afraid of death, but the child is so young and there is no mother, and the father is still a beast. When the child grows up, he will not become a good person.

Lu Tianting was accidentally amused by Xu Xinyan's words.

Laughing charms all living beings.

Xu Xinyan's crying stopped abruptly.

Maybe not like that.

This beast can actually laugh?
"Your brain is really big."

Xu Xinyan grabbed the information from Lu Tianting's hand vigorously.

Stare wide-eyed at a few large characters: 'marriage agreement'

This is not like a marriage agreement, but a gauntlet of coercion and temptation.

However, Xu Xinyan was still stupid.

PS: Originally, I wanted to abuse Lu Lu, but it became a warm line as I wrote it. Cuties, if you want to see abuse, hit me up!
Personally, I think this is already the latter part of the main text, and there will be more supporting roles. Of course, there will still be scenes of the second and first young masters in the main line. Everyone is waiting patiently. Some cuties asked me if I could write all the supporting roles. What I want to say is that I won’t write all of them, but those who make a lot of faces will write. As long as they write, it will be a wonderful story.

I also read all the cute messages from you, and I also replied to some of them, so I checked them myself.

(End of this chapter)

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