I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1134 The Bone Biting Feeling

Chapter 1134 The Bone Biting Feeling

After hearing Lu Tianting's words, Xu Xinyan subconsciously covered her lower abdomen, "Don't act recklessly, I'm still pregnant, you will hurt the child."

Lu Tianting, who had no feelings for women at first, just stared at the woman at such a close distance, suddenly felt something down below.

It is obviously a small dry body, short and ugly, that is, Yin Ruochen, a man who is used to eating big fish and big meat, often praises this dry kidney bean as good-looking as little sister Fei'er.

Looking at her so closely now, in fact, this country bumpkin has double eyelids and big eyes, and his skin is quite fair, but his face is too small, too small to bear to look directly at.

The small mouth is rosy and full of water, and because of pregnancy, the flat breasts have grown a size. Although it is not Mount Everest, it is not a plain anymore.

Lu Tianting bowed his head and kissed her, and stretched his big hand in from underneath.

Xu Xinyan was so frightened that she pushed him hard, remembering the first time this man used brute force on her, she was still trembling with fright.

"Lu Tianting, I beg you not to treat me like this."

Lu Tianting kissed away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said in a charming and hoarse voice, "Don't move, I won't use force, just lightly, okay? Women have to go through it all the time, you can't be afraid of pain all your life and keep your husband from touching you, right? "

"Lu Tianting, if you dare to go in again, I will drag you down."

Lu Tianting snorted, but he ignored her warning as if he expected that she would not do this.

Gently parted Xu Xinyan's little hand, her voice was still low.

"Hey, let go, if you pull it down, the kind in your stomach is doomed to be alone for the rest of your life, and you won't even have a partner. Most importantly, you will be alone in an empty room for the rest of your life, and you will never be able to enjoy the love of your husband again." Enze. You will grow old soon!"

This was the first time that Lu Tianting spoke to Xu Xinyan in a gentle tone.

Perhaps it was the reason why he signed the marriage agreement with this country bumpkin just now. He didn't even have the slightest dislike for her, and even had a slight expectation. After all, the last two times went so fast, and he didn't have a detailed taste.

"I just won't let you in. If you do, I'll..."

Xu Xinyan still wanted to continue threatening him, but Lu Tianting had already blocked her cherry mouth.

The kiss was lingering, Xu Xinyan wanted to bite the tip of his tongue hard, but this man was like a nimble loach, he ran away just after teasing, Xu Xinyan had a stupid mouth, and kissing is not her specialty, so she simply stopped thinking about biting him Relief.

Let him kiss herself hard.

Sweat broke out immediately.

Xu Xinyan suddenly felt a little ashamed, and covered her face all of a sudden.

I just feel my face is hot.

She actually felt it too, and it was the kind of gnawing pleasure that made her shiver.

"You go to rest, I will go to the company in a while, and ask Aunt Zhang to make you some fruit salad after waking up."

After finishing speaking, Lu Tianting took out a gold card from his body and handed it to Xu Xinyan, and then said: "Let's put down your hatred, since you can't get rid of me, then find a way to get yourself appointed, a woman always finds a man to marry , you just met me by chance, but you don’t have to thank me, if you want to thank you, thank you for this baby lump in your stomach.”

Describe yourself as a responsible and nice man.

"Lu Tianting, you are such a shameless beast and a narcissist." Xu Xinyan scolded angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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