Chapter 1139

"Where are you taking me?" Xu Xinyan asked in a very unfriendly tone.

"Take you to dinner." Lu Tianting said indifferently.

There was no tone of discussion at all.

"There is a chef at home, and the dishes are delicious, so I don't want to go out to eat." Xu Xinyan gestured to open the co-pilot's door.

As soon as Lu Tianting leaned over, he fastened her seat belt.

"Xu Xinyan, you ignorant woman, there is a woman at home who makes me sick and I can't bear it. If you dare to move around again, I will take you in the car."

Just as Xu Xinyan was about to scold him, she heard the sound of knocking on the glass outside: "Sister, brother-in-law, I'm bored at home alone, I'll go with you too."

As soon as Lu Tianting stepped on the gas, the car rushed out with a 'swish', throwing Xu Haitang to the ground.

"Haitang, Haitang, are you okay!" By the time Xu Xinyan lowered the car window and shouted, the car had already left the Lu residence.

"Lu Tianting, do you have violent tendencies? How can you treat my sister like this?" Xu Xinyan complained to Lu Tianting angrily: "She is my own sister."

Lu Tianting touched his forehead feebly, the bumpkin is really troublesome, he has no ability to distinguish at all.

"Xu Xinyan, your sister is trying to seduce your husband, don't you realize it?"

Xu Xinyan was taken aback for a moment, because she felt that Haitang was very enthusiastic about Lu Tianting, but she never thought of this.

"I do not believe."

Lu Tianting glanced at the woman who was clearly suspicious, but refused to admit it, so he could only say: "Well, since you don't believe me, I will give you a chance to make you believe me tonight. In the monitoring room of the study, let me show you how."

"No! Lu Tianting, you are not allowed to think about my sister." Xu Xinyan said angrily to Lu Tianting.

Lu Tianting was calm and not angry, and smiled mockingly: "Xu Xinyan, as long as your sister is naked, I don't even bother to take a look."

"Lu Tianting, you beast, will you die if you don't bury people? Let me tell you, I'm not as good as my sister."

Lu Tianting made Xu Xinyan's voice-over so funny that she just wanted to laugh.

What she meant was, I'm not as good-looking as my sister, why do you enjoy it when you do it with me?

In fact, the little girl just didn't have the nerve to say it.

"You are different. You are my wife, so you can use the ugly points casually. I grew up in a poor environment and I am not picky about women." Lu Tianting added viciously: "You actually see You can still drink it, at least the smell of rouge is not so strong."

"Lu Tianting, you... are not a person, you are a villain, a beast, can't your mouth accumulate some virtue for the child in my stomach?" Xu Xinyan angrily picked up her fist and attacked her on the back .

"Don't make trouble, honey, I'm driving a car, it's dangerous, hit me after you get out of the car and enter the private room." Lu Tianting was in a surprisingly good mood after being beaten hard on the back by the little woman.

The two got out of the car and went directly to the presidential suite on the top floor of the Lu family.

You can eat and sleep inside.

Lu Tianting sat on the sofa, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he said to Xu Xinyan: "Come here."

Xu Xinyan glanced at Lu Tianting's wolfish eyes, took a step back in fright, and kept belittling herself.

"Lu Tianting, look at me, I'm not good looking, I have no culture, no looks, no height and no taste, so you should stay far away from me, Mr. Lu, you are too close to me , lower your grade."

(End of this chapter)

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