Chapter 1204 Kissing Me Again

Song Ruyi imagined how she and An Zichuan would depend on each other and love each other in the future, and felt full of longing.

Zhu Aiai here stayed in the hospital for ten days, because it was a normal delivery, the bleeding was stopped, and after recuperating for a period of time, her physical condition gradually improved, and Mama and Papa An also appeared in Zhu Aiai every day. in the ward.

Because An's father was reprimanded by An's mother every day, even if she said something unpleasant to Zhu Aiai, she would be scorned by An's mother. She really treated Zhu Aiai as her own daughter.

Father Ann was so trained that he had no choice but to run upstairs to see the child.

"Zi Chuan, we are going to be discharged from the hospital today, and I want to go see the child together." Zhu Aiai can only watch the video of the child every day, and as soon as he asks to see the child, An Zichuan asks to take her with him, reluctant Let her walk on her own strength.

As soon as Zhu Aiai thought of being held in An Zichuan's arms and surrounded by people, he dispelled his idea of ​​looking after the child. He really didn't want An Zichuan to be involved.

"Okay, today we will listen to the doctor's advice and see if we can take the child away together."

An Zichuan embraced Zhu Aiai and spoke.

The two went to the pregnancy and baby room together, and An's father and An's mother were smiling in front of the child.


Mother Ann let out a soft 'hush', and said in a low voice, "The little guy just had a full meal, and he's yawning like he's going to sleep."

Zhu Aiai leaned over her little head and finally saw her child.

There are some differences between the photos and reality.

"Mommy, he's so small." Zhu Aiai said with tears in his eyes, "When will such a small person grow up?"

"Silly boy, don't expect him to grow up. When he really grows up to be as big as you and Zi Chuan, you will become an old woman just like me."

Zhu Aaiai took Mama An's hand and said, "Mommy, you are not old, you are the goddess who is not old in my heart."

"Put on to me again!" Mama An said dotingly.

"Of course, you are the number one in our family. Of course I want to flatter you with a sharp edge." After Zhu Aiai finished speaking, she glanced at her father-in-law's constipated face.

In fact, the father-in-law and An Zichuan have the same personality, even the appearance is exactly the same, but a young version and a middle-aged version.

But she's really not used to calling him a father, she always feels exactly the same as An Zichuan, the young father-in-law doesn't look like a father at all, especially when he sees his mother-in-law.

"It's your acquaintance."

Seeing the good looks of the family, the babysitters who took care of the baby were also a little envious.

After a while, Fu Han walked in with several child care experts.

"An Shao, these few are experts in children's field, you can ask them if you have any questions."

An Zichuan immediately asked: "We want to leave the hospital today and take my baby away. Look, does the little guy need to stay in the incubator?"

Several experts then observed the child around, and then asked the maternity nurse some questions about the child.

"Mr. An, the child is in good condition and can be discharged from the hospital. However, he was born with a low birth weight. It is better to observe it for a few more days."

"Nonsense, can I be discharged from the hospital?" An Zichuan sternly asked several doctors.

"Zi Chuan, don't get excited. Let's follow the doctor's advice and let the baby stay for a few more days. After all, the hospital is convenient. If you don't want to part with the baby, let's stay in the hospital for a few more days." Zhu Aiai said softly persuasion.

(End of this chapter)

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