Chapter 1206

Mother An suddenly felt that if the little girl said flattery directly, instead of that kind of deliberate flattery, she would actually prefer to put everything in the open.

She is a very casual person.

Unlike Linglong from the Du family, who was clearly trying to curry favor with her, but deliberately acted discreetly.

It made her feel even more scheming.

"Mommy, this towering tree, is only for you to hug, no one else will think about it!"

Mother An sent the two of them away, followed Father An into the incubator, and continued to accompany the child.

After Zhu Aiai and An Zichuan returned to the old house, Zhu Aiai sat on the sofa tiredly and turned on the TV.

I can finally go home and watch TV, and the past ten days seem like a lifetime away.

Zhu Aiai broadcast the remote control to the Entertainment Star of City B ten days ago, and began to listen carefully to various entertainment news during this period.

After all, she is from the entertainment industry, so Zhu Aiai pays more attention to this industry.

"Wife, Mommy said, you should watch less TV during the confinement period. It's not good for your eyes. If you wear a myopia lens on your beautiful big eyes, I will feel bad." An Zichuan walked over and was about to turn off the TV.

Zhu Aiai snatched it coquettishly, and said, "Zi Chuan, I haven't touched my phone or TV for ten days, and I'm almost growing hair."

"How about this, you are still in confinement and can't go out, I'll call Xuan and his woman, let her come to accompany you, how about it?" An Zichuan gently opened Zhu Aiai's little hand, He took the remote control from her hand.

Zhu Aiai said with some embarrassment: "Is this too much trouble for others?"

"What's the trouble? Our family is in charge of food and drink. It's their honor to let them come over. Besides, when their women give birth, you will almost pass the confinement period. If you go to accompany their women again alright."

After An Zichuan finished speaking, he called Huo Sixuan directly.

"Xuan, my wife and I have returned to the old house, and we are going to have a banquet for you and your wife, tonight!"

"Young Master An, are you ordering or discussing?" Huo Sixuan closed the last document, glanced at the little girl who was sitting opposite her reading the script and said, "I really can't make up my mind about this, I want to talk to my little Fei'er." Let's discuss it."

After Huo Sixuan finished speaking, he put the phone on the table and opened his arms to Gu Fei'er who looked up.

Gu Fei'er immediately jumped into Huo Sixuan's arms like a happy bird, "Little uncle!"

"Call me husband!"

Gu Fei'er stuck out her tongue and whispered, "My husband, please tell me if you have anything to say."

"An Zichuan and his woman are going to invite us to his house for dinner, do you want to go?" Huo Sixuan asked, dragging the little girl's buttocks and kissing her.

Gu Fei'er put her small arms around Huo Sixuan's neck, kissed several times, and said happily: "Yes! I haven't seen Ai Ai for several days. She is in the confinement period, and she must be lonely if she can't go out. to be with her."

"That's fine, when you're in confinement, let his woman come to accompany you. This is called reciprocity." Huo Sixuan nodded Gu Fei'er's nose after finishing speaking.

Since they didn't hang up the phone, the conversation between the two really reached the ears of An Zichuan and Zhu Aiai.

"Zi Chuan, I found that Uncle Huo is really an old fox, not the one who suffers."

An Zichuan put his face close to Zhu Aaiai's breath, kissed it, and said, "Is it, I'm the best?"

"Fuck you, you're too narcissistic."

(End of this chapter)

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