I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1208 Your husband really knows how to live

Chapter 1208 Your husband really knows how to live

At night, Gu Feier kept changing clothes here.

It didn't feel right at all, and with a mournful face, he said to Huo Sixuan: "Little uncle, how can I cover my stomach? I feel good at it for a while, and I have to go to school for the exam in 20 days. I don't want to let you My classmates know I'm pregnant."

Huo Sixuan looked at the little girl's swollen belly, and it was quite difficult to cover it up. Although the little girl is not very fat, why is this belly particularly prominent.

"I can't help it. Xiao Fei'er is a pregnant woman who wants to be a mother, but it's really difficult to pretend to be an unmarried girl." Huo Sixuan shook his head and hugged Gu Fei'er's waist from behind, whispering "Whether Little Mayfair is pregnant or not, she is my favorite baby."

"Little uncle, do you mean that I am much older now?" Gu Fei'er asked in distress.

Huo Sixuan lowered his head and kissed the little girl's jade neck, and said, "Just look at my little Fei'er's little face, and I would believe that you are a high school kid. This big belly is really against the law."

When Gu Fei'er was praised for her youth, she secretly laughed in her heart. Any woman likes to be praised by her man, and she is no exception.

"You're the one who violated the peace, this is our baby." Gu Fei'er put her hands on her swollen belly, scolding coquettishly.

Huo Sixuan watched Gu Feier choose clothes a little hard.

Pull Gu Fei'er to the sofa in the cloakroom and let her wait.

I went to the women's clothing section, and took a casual black thick line warm sweater, and then took an off-white mid-length windbreaker, Korean style loose.

Gu Fei'er took a look at the clothes Huo Sixuan had chosen for her. It looked simple, but it shouldn't be ugly. The key was that it could cover her big belly.

"Ha! Uncle, you are so discerning, why didn't I notice these two clothes."

Huo Sixuan took off the home clothes for Gu Fei'er, and said: "There are too many clothes inside, my little Fei'er must be picky."


"Next time, I'll ask the designer to match you well, and have these clothes shipped over in a complete set, so that our little Fei'er won't be so tired when going out."

Gu Fei'er smirked, "Little uncle, you are so kind to me."

"It's not good for you, it's good for someone, my little Mayfair baby."

When the two arrived by car, Qin Mutian, Xia Xiaoxiao, Huo Tianyi and Xia Nuanxin also arrived.

Gu Feier greeted them one by one.

She saw Huo Tianyi who was hugging Xia Nuanxin tightly at a glance, but she didn't think it was strange, after all, Nuanxin sister had two babies, and her belly was a little bigger than the average pregnant woman.

Huo Sixuan glanced at Huo Tianyi, and then said to An Zichuan: "I thought you invited me and Xiao Fei'er, so you invited outsiders."

Huo Tianyi looked familiar.

"Brother, what you said, how can I be considered an outsider, I am Xia Nuanxin's wife, right, Xiner." After speaking, he kissed Xia Nuanxin vigorously.

Xia Nuanxin touched Huo Tianyi's saliva, and said, "Huo Tianyi, don't make trouble."

An Zichuan came over and patted Huo Sixuan on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "I discussed with Ai Ai, we invite you together to save money and effort."

"Ai Ai, your husband is really good at living." Xia Xiaoxiao said happily: "Compared to our family Qin Yingdi who is more careful, but my family Qin Yingdi is also quite good at living. He said, when I give birth to a daughter, you will give birth to me." I don’t even need to return my red envelope, my daughters are all called Qianjin, you can’t give me less than Qianjin!”

(End of this chapter)

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