Chapter 1213
Fu Han: "Another person has come to make trouble." '

Huo Sixuan kissed Gu Fei'er's little cheek, and said, "He's used to being playful, no matter how infatuated he is, it's just a whim."

Fu Han: "The couple don't expect her to order well." '

"Xuan, I'm actually as kind and sincere as you in my heart. I'm absolutely loyal to my wife." Fu Han explained bitterly: "I'm definitely a wife spoiler, believe it or not. .”

The people around all shook their heads in unison, and said, "I don't believe it."

Fu Han became anxious, and said, "Why don't you believe me? You see, that Huo Tianyi was quite philandering before he got married, and he was more famous than me. He made headlines and gossip every day, didn't he now have a wife and a wife?" Children, and they are also good to their wives, so before they get married, no one has a lover. The key is that after marriage, he is good to his wife and loyal to his wife is a good man, right! Xiao Hanhan."

Tian Zihan glanced at the people who kept explaining, and the people around him who kept getting into trouble, his heart collapsed, and he said, "Dean Fu, I like people who stick to the same goal."

The people around laughed again.

Depressed, Fu Han ate a big shrimp, and he didn't forget to add another one to Tian Zihan, and said flatteringly, "Xiao Hanhan, don't listen to their nonsense, they just don't like me."

Gu Fei'er immediately retorted: "Uncle Fu, we really don't mean that. We sincerely hope that you can also find a regular wife to save those unmarried beauties who like you."

"Xiao Hanhan, listen, it's not that I'm flirtatious, but those women like me. I really can't help it."

"You can choose to ignore it." Tian Zihan said sullenly: "A man who is loyal to his end will do this."

"I know, Xiao Hanhan's lesson is that I must learn to stick to it in the future." Fu Han smiled flatteringly.

Gu Fei'er next to him said to Huo Sixuan: "Little uncle, I think Uncle Fu is playing for real this time."

"As a friend, I also hope that it will be true. When I get married, I will give her a big red envelope when I get married."

Fu Han immediately smiled and said, "Xuan, is what you said true? How big a red envelope are you going to wrap me?"

"How much do you want?"

Fu Han thought for a while and said, "Our hospital still has a little less wards, otherwise, you can help me build a ward building."

"How many floors?" Huo Sixuan asked coldly.

"It doesn't need to be too high, a six-story one is fine. Second Young Master Huo can tell. This year, the Huo Corporation plans to invest in an outpatient building for us. You are also the big boss of the H Group. You should have a lot more money than the Huo Corporation. "Fu Han finally pulled back a round.

Let you laugh at me, let you bury me, I have to let you spend a little bit.

Huo Tianyi next to him smiled charmingly: "Young Master Fu, you also know that I always speak casually, how can I take it seriously when I'm joking?"

Let you tell my family's heart that I am a fool, why should I donate money to you.

Fu Han's face immediately changed, and he said, "I still have a video of Second Young Master, how can your words not be counted?"

"What I say counts, but it only counts when it's against my heart."

Xia Nuanxin nodded his handsome face, and said, "Huo Tianyi, don't say a few words."

(End of this chapter)

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