I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1215 Let my little uncle donate 1 million yuan

Chapter 1215 Let my little uncle donate [-] million yuan
Qin Mutian kept his mouth shut and did not speak, still showing his usual cold air.

"That's right, you guys understand, my family Qin Yingdi has invested in several large real estates recently, and the money hasn't been collected yet, and he even bought a villa that has just been renovated, so it's not bad if I haven't borrowed money from you, right? ! Qin Yingdi?" Xia Xiaoxiao turned her head to look at the cool and handsome Qin Mutian.

"I offer 8000 million." Qin Mutian finally said a word.

"Ah?" Xia Xiaoxiao covered her mouth in surprise, and immediately thought of something to say: "Film Emperor Qin, husband, we don't need to compare with them, we don't feel ashamed if we don't have money."

Qin Mutian nodded Xia Xiaoxiao's nose and said, "Who told you that I have no money?"

"But last time you and grandpa said in the car that you didn't have enough money to invest, so you asked him to invest for you."

Xia Xiaoxiao remembered the last time she sat in the car with her grandpa, and heard that Qin Yingdi said to her grandpa that she had no money to invest, and her grandpa gave him hundreds of millions for this.

"My grandfather and I invested together to make money, is there something wrong?" Qin Mutian asked with a slight hook of his mouth.

"But why did you tell Grandpa that?"

Su Ruihao said from the side: "Hey! Are you talking about that old man Qin in your family? He is a very calculating old man. He must have dared to invest with Qin Mutian because he felt that he would not lose money."

Xia Xiaoxiao finally understood. Grandpa was pretending to be confused while pretending to understand.

"Honey, are you really rich?" Xia Xiaoxiao still asked in disbelief.

"Don't worry, I have money." Qin Mutian nodded.

Ji Mingyi immediately explained: "I said little classmate, don't cry and be poor here, we haven't planned to borrow money from your family yet, you know Qin Mutian has been defending the title for several times, so be a little boy The endorsement gives him tens of millions, and he earns hundreds of millions a year without saying anything. In addition, he has secretly done business with the old man for so many years, all of which are funded by the old man. It's all [-]-[-], your husband is keeping a low profile! In fact, he is the hidden rich man."

Everything that should be donated was donated, only Huo Tianyi and Huo Sixuan were left.

Fu Han really hoped that the two of them would donate some because of the face of so many people donating.

However, these two people have always been black-bellied and do not suffer.

"Xuan! Look?" Fu Han said respectfully.

Gu Fei'er tugged at Huo Sixuan's hand, for fear that he would fall behind.

"Little uncle, why do I think you are richer than these people?" Gu Fei'er smiled flatteringly.

Ji Mingyi immediately said: "Of course, there is no need to ask, who is my elder brother? The big boss of H Group, now, everyone in the whole city B knows that H Group is an emerging leading enterprise, involving countless industries, Branch offices are all over the world.”

When Ji Ming flattered, there was a 'slap' sound.

Fortunately, the little uncle is not an actor. If he were an actor, this Ji Mingyi must be the best and the originator of the little uncle's die-hard fans.

"Since I'm so rich, I can't donate less, right! Let's figure it out!" Huo Sixuan said lightly.

It seemed as simple as taking out a few dollars.

"Xuan, I don't think you need too much, I hope the water will flow long, or just give me a count." Fu Han stretched out his finger.

Gu Fei'er stared at Fu Han's hand, asking her little uncle to donate [-] million, why don't you grab it.

"Okay! That's a number." Huo Sixuan didn't hesitate.

(End of this chapter)

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