I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1225 Wipe your mouth and kiss me again

Chapter 1225 Wipe your mouth and kiss me again
Gu Fei'er blushed, pursed her mouth and attacked Huo Sixuan's handsome face.

"Mouth is full of oil!" For the first time, Huo Sixuan blushed and touched his handsome face and said embarrassedly: "Wipe your mouth and kiss me again."

"Little uncle, I found that you are really great, you are so handsome today, I love you to death." Gu Fei'er wanted to kiss again after finishing speaking.

Huo Sixuan stretched out a finger and touched her little head.

"Little Fei'er, I want to make out with me. Let's go home later. There are too many people here, so it's inconvenient." Huo Sixuan teased and said, "Little Fei'er, do you admire me more and more?"

Gu Fei'er nodded vigorously, and said, "Why do you come to my little uncle so easily?"

"Because you are a great man!"

"Little uncle, you are so narcissistic."

Gu Fei'er smiled brightly and was in a very good mood.

The few people around stared blankly at the two flirting Biren.

Wu Xiaotian finally spoke: "Thank you, Mr. Huo, you have really helped us a lot, but this has some impact on Pei Muran's career, but the price you offered for her to sign with HX Entertainment seems a bit high."

Gu Feier immediately said: "I heard that the artists signed by HX Entertainment are all actors who have acted in several female or male roles in the past three years. Little uncle, if you sign Pei Muran rashly, will there be any internal opinions? ?”

Huo Sixuan narrowed his phoenix eyes, and asked coldly: "Who dares?"

"That's right, my husband Mr. Huo is the biggest boss, whoever says it will die, hahahaha!" After laughing, Gu Fei'er blinked and asked: "Little uncle, you are so powerful, can I Walking sideways like a crab on the street?"

"You can do whatever you want, even if you want to walk with your arms and legs like a dog, no one dares to control you."

Huo Sixuan said cold jokes to himself, but he didn't laugh.

Gu Fei'er immediately put two small hands on his sides, gritted her teeth and said, "Little uncle, if you dare to tease me again, I will scratch your handsome face."

He Fei swallowed a ball of saliva.

He vowed that when he was a new person in his next life, he would have to choose his gender, and he would also choose his family.

If I become a woman like the little princess, isn't that a blessing from my previous life?

Husband is the most powerful man.

Dad is the director, and Mommy is the actress.

This is too lucky.

"Little Fei'er, stop making trouble, let Mr. Huo eat something. Be good!" Wu Xiaotian said softly.

Xia Chenman immediately smiled and said, "This young couple is in love with each other, and it can actually increase the relationship between husband and wife."

Xia Chenman couldn't listen to others say a word of blame from her little Fei'er.

After dinner, Gu Fei'er and Huo Sixuan went to Group H.

In Huo Sixuan's lounge, after sleeping for two hours, news of Li Nuo's arrest broke out in the entertainment broadcast around [-] pm.

Gu Fei'er excitedly hugged Huo Sixuan's neck and kissed it for a long time.

"Little uncle, this turtle bastard has finally been arrested, I want to call Xiaoxiao."


Gu Fei'er happily called Xia Xiaoxiao, who was playing with Qin Mutian in Hawaii.

"Fei'er, it's rare for our film emperor Qin to have time, so we are facing the sea in Hawaii, where the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming."

Xia Xiaoxiao hugged Qin Mutian's neck, smiling brightly.

What a happy and beautiful thing it is to be with my idol and male god, the key is that now the male god is still my husband.

(End of this chapter)

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