Chapter 1234

After hearing Huo Tianyi's words, Xia Nuanxin sat up and cried loudly.

"Huo Tianyi, I beg you, I don't want my mother to die, please save her."

Gu Fei'er and Xia Xiaoxiao were also comforting around: "Sister Nuanxin, you have to trust the guy who hit up a conversation, he is so capable, nothing can stop him."

Xia Nuanxin took the needle in her hand and hugged Huo Tianyi's neck tightly, crying non-stop.

"Huo Tianyi, I only have one mother. If she is gone, what should I do? I sold myself to you for her. If it doesn't work, what else can I do for her?"

Huo Tianyi: '...'

What his family Xin'er said, it seems that marrying him is still aggrieved.

It seems that he has always been wronged.

Say it early, who is not a mother?
Huo Tianyi didn't dare to entangle with Xia Nuanxin on the details of the conversation at this moment,
"Xin'er, you hold me like this, how can I arrange another doctor for my mother?"

Xia Nuanxin still hugged Huo Tianyi tightly, as if only he could give her a sense of security.

Huo Tianyi had no choice but to say to Huo Sixuan and Gu Fei'er beside him: "Immediately change her doctor and medicine, and investigate all the relationships behind this Louis. My mother-in-law is obviously in good health, and the source of her kidney is the best. Well, the matching rate is also very high, why is there such a serious rejection all of a sudden."

Although Huo Sixuan was reluctant, he still pulled Gu Fei'er out.

Soon Mu Haitian hurried in.

"Boss, domestic experts will arrive in two hours, and foreign authoritative experts will arrive at [-]:[-] pm today at the latest. The medicines have already arrived by air, and the old lady has already changed to the best anti-rejection medicines."

Huo Tianyi saw that the woman in his arms had slowly calmed down, and said softly, "Xin'er, everything has been arranged, do you have any orders?"

Xia Nuanxin began to cry again as soon as she opened her mouth, "I'm going to the intensive care unit to stay with my mother."

"Xin'er, your current body is not suitable to go in and accompany you, let's accompany you outside, okay?"

Xia Nuanxin nodded, and Huo Tianyi carried her to the door of the intensive care unit.

Huo Tian said softly: "If you are tired, just lie on my body and sleep for a while."

"I don't want to sleep, I want to watch my mother wake up."

The two stayed together until the evening, Xia Nuanxin didn't drink a drop of water, and Huo Tianyi was so frightened that he turned around.

After all, she is pregnant.

"Xin'er, why don't you drink some millet porridge, okay? I swear, I will do my best to save mom, okay?"

"I'm not hungry, please don't force me."

"You have to eat if you're not hungry. You are also the mother of the child. Don't you want to wait until your mother wakes up to see you like this?" Huo Tianyi coaxed beside him.

Mu Haitian was also coaxing by his side: "Little lady, the old man will definitely be auspicious, and he will overcome this test."

Next to him was Xia Wu, a pair of frost-beaten eggplants. He kept his head down, neither spoke nor moved, and didn't know how to comfort his daughter. He was completely dejected.

Huo Tianyi gave Mu Haitian a look, and he retreated immediately knowingly, and walked back after waiting for about half an hour.

With a cheerful face, "Little Madam, let me tell you..."

Before Mu Haitian finished speaking, Xia Nuanxin grabbed Mu Haitian's big hand and asked, "Did my mother wake up?"

(End of this chapter)

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