Chapter 1237

Xia Nuanxin got up, snuggled into Huo Tianyi's arms, and said, "Huo Tianyi, mom has lost a lot of weight, you can ask the doctor to prepare a recipe for her."

"Call me husband."

The little woman's mother woke up, did she no longer have to rely on her, so his family called him by his full name again, so awkward.

Seeing someone constipated, Xia Nuanxin immediately laughed, and sweetly called out: "Husband, thank you for this period of time, it will delay your earning money."

"It's okay, I don't care, Huo's is so big, if I leave for a few days, it will be greatly affected, then it should go bankrupt." Huo Tianyi smiled and said: "When you give birth to a baby, my husband will take care of it for you." A big red envelope. So, your husband is not short of money."

Xia Nuanxin saw her mother woke up, and her mood improved a lot, so she joked and asked, "How big is it for me?"

"How big do you want it?"

Xia Nuanxin thought about it when she was a child, when she was poor, her grandparents didn't care about them, and her father hadn't started home yet. Her dream was to wake up one day and see a room full of Grandpa Mao.

"I want to wake up to a room filled with Grandpa Mao!" Xia Nuan said excitedly.

Xia's mother, who was lying on the bed, also smiled weakly. Under the pampering of this man, her daughter finally regained the vitality and youth that she should have.

"It seems that if you take out all your husband's money, what should you do if the house is full?"

"That's it, then forget it."

Huo Tianyi thought for a while and said, "How about this, after you give birth to the baby, as a reward for you, how about I buy you a big gold brick for you to sleep on your pillow?"

Xia Nuanxin let out a 'puchi' laugh.

"Huo Tianyi, you hate it, do you want me to be a rich man?"

"You are not a rich man, you are his wife."

The two communicated unscrupulously. Mama Xia was a little tired and slowly closed her eyes.

As soon as Xia Nuanxin turned her head, she saw her mother closed her eyes again, and she was so frightened that she immediately started crying again.

"Huo Tianyi, why did mom close her eyes again? Do you think mom has a fluorescent flashback? I don't want mom to die!" After speaking, she began to cry again.

Xia's mother heard Xia Nuanxin's words, and said weakly: "I'm tired and want to rest."

Xia Nuanxin suddenly stopped crying.

"Mom, I'm not dead."

"Mom has been rescued. Of course she is not dead. She was just tired and wanted to rest."

Xia Nuanxin immediately took Huo Tianyi's arm and walked out.

"Since mom is tired, let her rest for a while."

As soon as the two walked out, Mu Haitian walked over.

"Boss, that Louis in the United States did not return to China, but traveled around, changing places and hotels."

"Find someone to keep an eye on him." Suddenly thought of something and asked: "Check out the whereabouts of Yu Tiantian, Yin Zhanyan and Fu Mingzhe recently."

"Okay, boss."

After sending Mu Haitian away, Xia Nuanxin said in disbelief, "Husband, do you suspect that Louis' purpose is impure?"

"Ordinarily, he should be the youngest and most authoritative expert outside the United States, but how could he make these low-level mistakes?"

"But now we don't have any evidence to prove that he did this on purpose. The only way to do it is to keep an eye on him and see if he was ordered by someone?"

"If he was ordered to hurt my mother like this, I will definitely sue him and make him legally responsible." Xia Nuanxin said angrily: "Such a doctor with no medical ethics must revoke his medical qualification certificate."

(End of this chapter)

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