I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1239 Want to give him a surprise

Chapter 1239 Want to give him a surprise
Yu Tiantian looked at this vain old hat, and said angrily, "I'm so busy every day, how can you be so free?"

Yin Zhanyan immediately apologized: "Sister Tiantian, I'm sorry, I'm not blaming you, I just haven't seen you recently, I just care about you."

Yu Tiantian looked at Yin Zhanyan's casual clothes, and asked, "Why aren't you wearing high heels, and these flat shoes are so ugly."

Yin Zhanyan saw her outfit and smiled sweetly: "Sister Tiantian, I want to share a happy event with you, you are not allowed to tell Zhe."

Yu Tiantian frowned, suddenly had a premonition, and asked, "Are you pregnant with Zhe's child?"

Yin Zhanyan nodded shyly, and said, "I don't want Zhe to know, please don't tell him Tiantian, I want to surprise him."

As soon as Yu Tiantian heard it, she immediately said loudly: "Yin Zhanyan, you are confused, this is not a surprise, but a fright."

"Why?" Yin Zhanyan asked puzzled.

In order to save Fu Mingzhe from trouble, Yu Tiantian said, "You don't know yet, Zhe will be adjusted to be a regular cadre during the Chinese New Year. If you make a fuss about your unmarried pregnancy, it will definitely have a negative impact on his career. greatly affected."

"If I don't tell you, if you don't tell me, no one will know. Besides, the relationship between Zhe and I has always been secret. During the Chinese New Year, I was only three months pregnant, and I didn't show my pregnancy at all. No one knew that I was pregnant. I'm pregnant! After Zhe's adjustment is over, we can get married and get married."

Yu Tiantian said whatever she wanted, but Yin Zhanyan just didn't want to kill the child.

Yu Tiantian could no longer persuade this ignorant woman, it was just for fun, and she actually became serious.

"You should discuss it with Zhe." Yu Tiantian said, "You'd better kill the child, otherwise don't blame me for not warning you if you end up in trouble yourself."

"Sister Tiantian, I will not kill the child. This is the crystallization of love between me and Zhe, and it is our treasure. I believe Zhe will not let me do it cruelly." Yin Zhanyan said solemnly.

"I found that you are very stubborn today, and I can't communicate with you." After Yu Tiantian finished speaking, she put away her plate and went upstairs.

After that, I made a phone call to Louis, and then asked for a week's vacation, and went directly to Yunnan and Louis to go on vacation.

And Yin Zhanyan here has been in a trance for a while, calling Fu Mingzhe, he kept saying he was busy perfunctorily.

It's Friday, usually at this time Fu Mingzhe would call himself to have dinner together, and then the two of them would go to the hotel to spend the whole night warming up after dinner.

After the afternoon shift, Yin Zhanyan was distracted all the time. Lin Feiyang asked her to modify the drawing, but she never changed it. Lin Feiyang was angry and wanted to kill someone, so he taught her a lesson in displeasure.

I didn't like her before, and I don't like her now.

"Yin Zhanyan, you haven't changed even one small place all afternoon, did the Huo family recruit you here for leisure?" Li Feiyang blamed displeasedly.

"Lin Feiyang, what does it matter to you whether I do it or not? I'm working for the Huo Corporation, not you." Because of Fu Mingzhe's indifferent attitude these days, Yin Zhanyan was in a bad mood, so he didn't speak as much as he did to Lin Feiyang before. polite.

Not to be outdone, Lin Feiyang said, "Even if you don't do my work, your passive sabotage attitude has seriously affected the development of our second team. As the team leader, I can also report to the president's office to fire you."

(End of this chapter)

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