I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1241 The child must be killed

Chapter 1241 The child must be killed
Fu Mingzhe made Yin Zhanyan so angry that he didn't even recognize Li Yihuan's car behind him.

"Zhanyan, didn't I tell you that I've been busy for a while, why didn't you listen?"

Yin Zhanyan did not answer Fu Mingzhe's words directly, but asked: "Zhe, let me ask you, is what your Mayor Wang said just now true?"

Fu Mingzhe was stunned and immediately explained: "I am indeed married, but I am about to divorce her, we have no relationship."

Yin Zhanyan relaxed a lot when he heard Fu Mingzhe's words, and said, "Then I can rest assured."

Fu Mingzhe thought of Yu Tiantian's phone call a few days ago, and said, "Zhanyan, I'm in the critical period of promotion now, I hope you will be patient and calm down a bit, I don't plan to have children, if you have one, you can Hurry up and do it."

As soon as Yin Zhanyan heard this, he immediately said, "Did Sister Tiantian tell you about my pregnancy?"

"No matter who told me, I just want to tell you that I don't want this child, understand?" Fu Mingzhe said firmly without any room for negotiation.

Yin Zhanyan panicked immediately, tears streaming down his face, "Zhe, this is our own child, how can you be so cruel?"

"It's not that I'm cruel, but now is really not the best time to have a child. I seem to have reminded you before and told you to take good measures, why didn't you listen?" Fu Mingzhe said angrily: "The child must be killed. "

"Fu Mingzhe, do you still have humanity? I want to say that I won't kill you?" Yin Zhanyan said angrily: "Zhe, I beg you, let him stay, this is a small life after all, I really unwilling."

"There is no room for negotiation. If you don't listen, we will break up." Fu Mingzhe said ruthlessly: "The game between us will be over immediately."

At the entrance of the hospital, Yin Zhanyan, who was crying with a sad face, was coaxed by Fu Mingzhe and finally agreed to kill the child.

As soon as he got out of the car, Li Yihuan walked over quickly, and slapped Yin Zhanyan a few times with a 'pa pa pa pa'.

"Bitch, mistress, you still have to be shameless and drag my husband around in broad daylight."

Li Yihuan screamed.

Yin Zhanyan was taken aback by the beating, and looked at the angry Li Yihuan, and said not to be outdone: "What about your boyfriend, Zhe is going to divorce you soon, don't take up the shit, you still dare to hit me , See if I don't kill you, a ignorant woman." Yin Zhanyan came over and slapped Li Yihuan several times.

Soon the two women were painted, and their faces were beaten into pig's heads.

Seeing more and more people around, Fu Mingzhe immediately shouted: "Shut up."

He wanted to stabilize the two women who were scolding each other first, but the more they scolded, the worse they got, and they ended up fighting together.

After all, Li Yihuan is tall and big, and Yin Zhanyan has reacted very badly because of her pregnancy recently, and she doesn't have much strength, so she can't beat her.

Li Yihuan had always protected her lower abdomen because she knew she was pregnant, but she didn't know that Yin Zhanyan was also pregnant, so she kicked Yin Zhanyan's lower abdomen hard.

"Oh! It hurts!" Yin Zhanyan sat on the ground with a 'bang'.

Then blood gushed out from the ground, and Li Yihuan covered his mouth in fright.

The audience around said loudly: "Hurry up and send her to the gynecology clinic of the hospital, it is likely that this girl will have a miscarriage."

PS: Manman longs for the new article "Full Score of Hidden Marriage and Flash Love: Delicate Mommy is Really Sweet". There are many favorites in the background, so I think the new article is very popular, and the writing is also exciting! !
I know that everyone thinks that the new article is too short and not enjoyable, but let’s collect it first, a big thread has been secretly laid out in my brain, it will definitely be very interesting.

Xinwen is delicate and needs watering from all of you cuties!Bookmark, comment, and recommend tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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