I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1250 One is more difficult to serve than one

Chapter 1250

Huo Tianhui laughed again, and said, "You have slept with so many women, and you probably forgot about it long ago."

Huo Xiong was ridiculed by his family, but he still maintained his usual style of not speaking, no matter how others scolded him, he just couldn't breathe.

What else can I do to her?
Huo Tianhui asked curiously: "Big Brother, Second Brother, have you all fought against Third Brother?"

"I won't fight anymore, I almost let someone shoot your two brothers." Xia Nuanxin took a hard look at Huo Xiong and said to Huo Tianhui angrily: "You almost never see your little niece and nephew gone."

Huo Tianhui said happily: "Wow! The third brother is so powerful, he dared to fight the eldest brother and the second brother, which shows that he is also a big shot."

"Well, he is indeed a big man. I heard that Brother Lu is the richest man in City C."

After Gu Fei'er finished speaking, Grandpa Huo was taken aback. It was Lu Tianting, the new business upstart in C City.

Although he no longer manages the company, he is paying attention to all the big shots in the nearby urban areas.

Thinking about it carefully, it is really the Huo family's kind, this kind of business acumen, and that kind of god-like face.

"Since this is the case, the two of you withdrew your property in City C. You don't have to go there to open a store. I can help you make a few connections in City A. You can go there. Since you are the Huo family's seed, don't go there. If we compete with each other again, we have not fulfilled any responsibilities to this child surnamed Lu, and he should have resentment." Grandpa Huo glanced at Huo Xiong, who bowed his head and said nothing, and said, "Look for an opportunity to meet him, Apologize with the child, the children of our Huo family are cold-hearted, I believe he will forgive you. "

"Father, if I go to see him rashly, he will definitely put all his grievances on me. I'm afraid..." Huo Xiong was so frightened that he said submissively: "I'm afraid he won't let me go."

"You deserve to be killed. You don't look like a descendant of the Huo family. You are a worthless person. I feel ashamed if you say that you are my son outside." If you die, you deserve it."


The family looked at Huo Xiong like a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh, so he blindly looked for women outside to seek comfort. As time passed, he developed the habit of pretending to be a grandson at home, and pretending to be a rich man outside under the banner of the Huo family. As a man, he acts as an uncle in front of women.

"Little uncle, I'm hungry. I don't like dumplings made with leeks and meat. If I'm vegetarian." Gu Fei'er looked at the awkward atmosphere of the people at the table and said deliberately.

Xia Nuanxin also leaned over to Huo Tianyi's ear and said, "Husband, I don't eat leek meat either, I like cabbage vermicelli."

"There are so many problems." Grandma Huo glanced at Gu Fei'er displeasedly, and then at Xia Nuanxin.

These two little daughters-in-law are more difficult to serve than the other.

At her husband's house, she was also picky.

"Grandma, I seem to be disgusted with leeks with a strong smell since I was pregnant." Gu Feier could only say this in order to divert everyone's attention from Huo Xiong to herself.

Xia Nuanxin also followed suit: "Yeah, I don't seem to be able to eat smelly ones."

"I don't know how to worry about the little things in my stomach." Although there are so many grandma Huo, she still stands up and walks towards the kitchen.

Huo Sixuan and Huo Tianyi also got up and walked into the kitchen. Gu Feier and Xia Nuanxin followed the two men to the back kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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