I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1252 She Has Been Looking Like a CEO

Chapter 1252 She Has Been Looking Like a CEO

"What are you doing?"

Xia Nuanxin raised her head and smiled dryly: "Mum, let's make dumplings for ourselves."

Jia Yuhong immediately said, "Isn't there a servant at home?"

"We like our own hands."

Jia Yuhong didn't speak anymore, and left the whole kitchen to them.

Although he didn't say it directly, at least he knew that the deaths of his eldest brother and sister-in-law had nothing to do with them.

It can be seen from the harmony of these people.

"Mummy, don't worry about it, our dumplings will be out of the pot in an hour." Huo Tianhui pushed Jia Yuhong out directly.

After an hour, several people finally brought out hot dumplings.

But tired, he just sat down on the seat and stopped talking.

"Little Fei'er, your three delicacies are ready, try it." Huo Sixuan took one and handed it to Gu Fei'er's dinner plate.

Gu Fei'er didn't move, she was paralyzed from exhaustion.

"Uncle, I don't want to eat."

"Xin'er, you should eat more too. Your cabbage tastes like pork. Try it." Huo Tianyi also took one for Xia Nuanxin and put it on the little woman's mouth.

"Honey, are you going to burn me to death? It's so hot!"

"Blame me! Blame me!" Huo Tianyi then blew on the dumpling and put it on Xia Nuanxin's mouth, and said softly, "Honey, open your mouth."

Seeing how affectionate the two of them are, Gu Fei'er hooked Huo Sixuan's neck a little shamelessly.

"Husband, you can brag to me too."

This kind and loving person tortured the table man to death.

"Brothers, I don't want to be your sister in my next life, I want to be your wife." Huo Tianhui said jealously: "That old hat is so arrogant, he doesn't want to talk to me at all. Knowing what to do, why is the soil falling slag, and still so ignorant of the heights of the sky and the depth of the earth.”

Gu Fei'er laughed: "If you dismiss someone like this, I guess they also have something special that attracts you."

"He's not bad looking, and quite smart. He's obviously an old hat. Why do you think he looks like a big president? Ahem! Anyway, I just like this bumpkin, but it seems that he is a girl with the team. It’s from my hometown, and we’re so close, my heart hurts so much.”

"You want him?" Huo Tianyi asked with some concern.

Huo Tianhui didn't shy away, and said directly: "Of course, but I want to use my own method to catch him. I don't want to use dirty methods to get him. It's hard if I can't catch him, but at least I worked hard. I don't like to have methods to get him." , brother, not all people have your charm, take the stolen things as their own, and take it for granted."

"Huo, Tian, ​​Hui!" Huo Tianyi yelled at Huo Tianhui angrily and sharply: "Your sister-in-law and I fell in love after we got married, so we stole it, if you talk nonsense to me again, I will completely block you financially. "

"Brother, if he doesn't give me money, can you give me some?" Huo Tianhui smiled and said to Huo Sixuan.

Huo Sixuan was very happy to see Huo Tianyi constipated, and immediately said: "Yes, how much you want, you can tell your sister-in-law directly, I will ask Xiao Feier to transfer it to you."

"I want to tell my sister-in-law again that everyone is strictly controlled by their wives. I don't want it anymore, can't I? Grandpa, you give it to me." Huo Tianyi pulled Grandpa Huo's arm shamelessly, and said: "Grandpa, they all It's not good for me, only you are the best."

(End of this chapter)

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