Chapter 1271 The Crying of Two Babies
Gu Fei'er spent the New Year's Eve, confinement at home, and did not go to school.

Because there are no professional courses after the new year, she doesn't have to worry too much.

Xia Nuanxin was hospitalized before confinement, because it was the twin doctor who suggested cesarean section.

Gu Fei'er was worried and went to the hospital early.

"Sister Nuanxin, don't be afraid, I told you that cesarean section doesn't hurt at all." Gu Fei'er comforted.

Before Xia Nuanxin could speak, Huo Tianyi said displeasedly: "Why doesn't it hurt? If you make a big hole in your body, it will definitely hurt. I'm really scared."

The big hand holding Xia Nuanxin's small hand is more nervous than the mother.

In turn, Xia Nuanxin had to comfort Huo Tianyi.

"Huo Tianyi, you don't have to be nervous. It's only natural for a woman to have a baby. It's worth it to see our baby after only a short while."

"Xin'er, I'm really nervous." Putting Xia Nuanxin's little hand on her heart, let her feel her heartbeat.

Xia Nuanxin caressed someone's handsome face attached to her chest, and slowly said: "Huo Tianyi, I hope to follow the doctor's advice and have a cesarean section. You wait outside obediently, and it will be finished in half an hour." We can see our baby."

"I want to accompany you in." Huo Tianyi said willfully.

Gu Fei'er immediately said: "I said the flirtatious man, I know you are good to your wife, but if you go in, it will really affect the performance of the doctor, and it will also make Nuan Xin nervous, which is not good for her."

"When you gave birth, why did you let him accompany you." Huo Tianyi said resolutely, "I'll be with Xin'er, so I can feel at ease."

"I had a natural delivery, which is different from Sister Nuanxin's cesarean section. Why are you so stubborn, you can't be unreasonable to spoil your wife." Gu Fei'er said angrily, "I can't communicate with you."

Huo Sixuan next to him pulled Gu Fei'er, hugged her into his arms, and said coldly: "Little Fei'er, he doesn't understand human affairs, why bother talking to him."

"I'm not doing it for him, or for Miss Nuanxin to be less dangerous."

After hearing the conversation between the two, Huo Tianyi said to Huo Sixuan in disapproval: "It's not your wife, of course you don't have to worry."

"I don't know good people." Gu Fei'er muttered.

"Huo Tianyi, be good, I'm going in now, you don't have to go in to accompany me, okay? I'm really afraid that you will feel even more uncomfortable seeing me suffer." Xia Nuanxin comforted softly.

To put it bluntly, Huo Tianyi finally didn't follow in, and the twenty or ten minutes waiting outside was simply the torment of his life.

longer than a century.

Finally heard the cry of two babies.

Huo Tianyi ran in and saw Xia Nuanxin quietly closed her eyes, her consciousness was very clear, with a slight smile on her lips, she asked, "Xin'er, do you feel pain?"

"It doesn't hurt. The anesthetic hasn't passed yet. I don't feel anything. I should feel it in half an hour." Xia Nuanxin said softly, "Huo Tianyi, how is our baby?"

Only then did Huo Tianyi notice that several doctors were wiping and weighing the two babies.

"Baby boy, 2.1 kg."

"Baby girl, 1.8 kg."

Xia Nuanxin said a little depressed when she heard it: "They are all so small. The little Putao of Fei'er's family weighs more than eight catties at birth. The two in our family are not as big as the other's one."

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(End of this chapter)

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