Chapter 1275 Good Inheritance
Gu Fei'er immediately picked up the little guy, and gently coaxed: "Baby, you are so picky at such a young age, ha! Well, Mommy is back, and I will feed you right away, darling! Stop crying .”

After Gu Fei'er finished speaking, she wiped her chest and stuffed her little cherry into his mouth, and the crying stopped abruptly.

The little hands kept grabbing and grabbing!

The strength of breastfeeding is also much stronger than usual, probably because I am very hungry.

"I finally stopped crying. You see, this little guy has a really good mouth. He knows that mother's breast milk is delicious at such a young age, and he refuses to eat milk powder. When he grows up, he will definitely be as powerful as the president."

"That's a good thing. In the entire city of B, there is really no one who is better than our husband. The little guy is mainly because of his strong genes and good inheritance."

The two nannies kept praising adults and children.

Huo Sixuan heard that everyone didn't praise Gu Fei'er, so he immediately said, "My little Fei'er is the best."

"Yes! All good."

Gu Fei'er smiled: "Little uncle, don't worry about these things, go out and rest for a while."

After eating, the little guy began to babble and stretch out his hand to look at it non-stop, and he hummed excitedly from time to time, which was the satisfaction of being full.

Gu Fei'er put down the child, climbed onto Huo Sixuan's lap, and said, "Little uncle, don't be upset, Little Putao is your son, his own."

"Little Fei'er, when you are out of confinement, you must make it up to me."

The two were still swaying, when Huo Sixuan's cell phone rang.

"Director Wu, what's the matter?"

"That Li Nantian has already let go and gave him a lot of money. He stated that he was really desperate at the time. If he didn't die in that car accident, he could live a rich life. So it was indeed a long-planned murder. But according to the description, the hired murderer The people who gave him the money were not Fan Dafu and Zhou Hailan."

Huo Sixuan held Gu Fei'er in one hand while analyzing the situation at that time.

"There are two possibilities. First, this Li Nantian lied to us by continuing to protect Zhou Hailan and Fan Dafu. Second, the adultery between Zhou Hailan and Fan Dafu was afraid of being exposed, so he found a middleman to plan all this. .”

"According to Xiaoman, Brother Gu Ming is a kind person, and it is impossible to be an enemy of others. Why did Zhou Hailan and Fan Dafu commit such a heavy blow? The key is that Zhou Hailan and Xiao Fei'er were still in the car. Isn't Zhou Hailan afraid of being run over to death by a big car together with him?" Wu Xiaotian said in a puzzled way: "Only Zhou Hailan knew the truth about what happened back then. I actually don't understand that Mr. Gu Ming looks handsome. Why do you want to do this kind of thing with the tough-looking Fan Dafu?"

Gu Fei'er thought of something, and said, "Gu Ming's father seems to have always slept in separate beds with Zhou Hailan."

Huo Sixuan paused, and asked: "Could Mr. Gu Ming have some hidden disease, such as being inhumane?"

After hearing what Gu Feier said, Wu Xiaotian muttered, "It's also possible."

"How about this, Director Wu, Teacher Xia is due to give birth in a week, and Xiao Fei'er is also over the full moon, so you can concentrate on accompanying her and the child. I will handle this matter well. I don't believe that Li Nantian didn't Weakness, I can pry his mouth open, I have my own way, since he refuses to drink a toast, then I will give him a fine drink, I don't believe that he doesn't tell the truth." Huo Sixuan said harshly.

(End of this chapter)

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