I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1290 How Can You Be So Partial?

Chapter 1290 How Can You Be So Partial?

"I'm still not as promising as your husband."

Jia Yuhong suddenly stopped talking when she heard her son's sarcasm.

Xia Nuanxin twisted Huo Tianyi's handsome face with her small hand, and said, "Huo Tianyi, you and Mommy don't say a few words."

"I'm telling the truth." After speaking, he still didn't forget to bow his head and kiss Xiao Hehua a little, and asked, "Little Hehua, do you think Dad is very handsome?"

Xiao Hehua stared straight at Huo Tianyi with big eyes, and suddenly curled her lips, wanting to cry.

'Wow! ' burst out crying.

"Oh, my little darling, your mommy bullied me, and you bullied me too, why am I so pitiful." Huo Tianyi kept coaxing his daughter.

Xia Nuanxin took the little lotus gently, "Little lotus, Mommy is here, we stopped crying, it's all dad's fault, he's too loud, too talkative, too noisy, it's annoying our little baby."

The little guy may have a natural feeling for Mommy, and he stopped crying even when he squeaked.

But Xiaozui began to babble and babble non-stop.

"Little lotus may be hungry." After Xia Nuanxin finished speaking, she began to unbutton her clothes, wanting to breastfeed the little one.

Huo Tianyi immediately covered Xia Nuanxin's hand.

"Wife, your breast milk is not enough to feed the two little ones. I ordered the best goat milk powder in New Zealand for them. It has been quarantined and will not be less nutritious than your breast milk."

Huo Tianhui, who was about to leave just now, snickered, her brother must be jealous of the two small packets.

Xia Nuanxin took Huo Tianyi's big hand away, and smiled sweetly: "In this case, my breast milk will be dedicated to feeding Xiaolianzi. Xiaolianzi is a boy, and his physique is stronger than girls. Give him milk powder."

After speaking, Xia Nuanxin unbuttoned her shirt, and put her snow-white little white rabbit into Xiao Hehua's mouth.

The little guy ate very happily, and immediately closed his eyes and fell asleep when he was full.

Xia Nuanxin carried her to the stroller.

On the other hand, Little Lianzi stared wide-eyed, babbling, and her mouth was moving.

Jia Yuhong was unhappy, and said, "Is this little lotus seed your own? How can you be so partial?"

"If you don't want to feed my little grandson, I'll take him back to the old house to raise him." Jia Yuhong stood up and was about to take him away.

Huo Tianyi said sharply to Jia Yuhong, "Stop."

Xia Nuanxin immediately hugged Xiaolianzi, and explained in a low voice: "Mum, don't get me wrong, I just think my daughter should be richer, after all, she is a girl, and Xiaolianzi is the baby of me and Huo Tianyi, how could we not like it?" ?”

"Baby, come! Mommy will feed you too."

Seeing that Xia Nuanxin was about to unbutton her button again, Huo Tianyi saw the little woman's appearance of getting thinner and thinner, and said distressedly: "Little Lianzi, let me tell you, my sister just ran out of food, so Daddy will go and make milk powder for you." what."

Huo Tianyi winked at the nanny, and soon, the nanny handed a bottle of prepared milk powder to Xiao Lianzi.

The little guy eats a lot and drank more than half of the bottle.

"Xin'er, you see he can eat so much, are you sure there is so much water in your tits?"

Xia Nuanxin blushed and said: "It should be gone, the little lotus has been eaten up."

Huo Tianyi put the child in the stroller, and started to get tired of Xia Nuan: "Honey, you see that you have lost weight again, my husband feels sorry for you."

"It's okay. It's a matter of course for a woman to give birth and feed the child. You don't have to worry about it. I will gain weight when the child is pinched."

(End of this chapter)

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