I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 1302 You continue to be drunk and dreamy

Chapter 1302 You continue to be drunk and dreamy
Nan Yijiang frowned, and said, "We've been together, what's wrong Junye?"

"Nan Yijiang, what are you talking about? You mean that you were not the one who slept with me yesterday." Li Junye asked in surprise.

Huo Tianhui immediately said: "When did my Yijiang sleep with you, ha! The two of us were together last night, yes, it was the two of us who slept all night, but not with you."

Nan Yijiang immediately said, "Xiaohui, stop talking and let Junye talk about the situation."

When Li Junye heard this, he pushed back in a trance, and said, "Who the hell fucked me?"

"You don't even know who is sleeping with you?" Nan Yijiang also looked at her helplessly.

Li Junye muttered to himself: "Last night I took a pill for love in the bathroom, and I was in a trance. When I entered the room, I thought it was you. The light in the room was dark, so I had sex with him, and I paid someone else I took a lot of photos."

"Woo...I don't want to live..."

Nan Yijiang said helplessly: "Jun Ye, how can you have such thoughts?"

"Yeah, Li Junye, how could you use such a nasty method to get Nan Yijiang? You are still from the same place." Huo Tianhui couldn't help but blame.

"Ah... I deserve what I deserve when I hurt others!" Li Junye began to cry loudly.

Huo Tianhui was crying so hard that she had no choice but to call Mu Haitian: "Brother Mu, please help me."

"It's my little princess, hey, brother, I'm having sex with a beautiful woman at the beach, what's the matter?"

"I don't know it's embarrassing. If there's nothing wrong, who will come to you?"

"Okay! I'll take it out first, and I'll give you an answer." Mu Haitian said with a teasing smile.

"Disgusting guy." Huo Tianhui waited for two seconds and said, "Check the second floor of Hongfen for me. Is there any suspicious person?"

Mu Haitian was taken aback, immediately hung up the phone, and called Hongfen's monitoring room.

The results show that the system is upgraded and is under maintenance these days.

"Xiaohui, our fan's system is being upgraded, and we haven't kept any records of surveillance these days." Mu Haitian became serious and asked seriously, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, you can continue to be drunk and dreamy."

Huo Tianhui hung up the phone with a 'snap'.

Huo Tianhui, who hung up the phone, shook her head and said, "The system has been upgraded in the past few days, and there is no record."

"Obviously this was done on purpose. Who is this? Who is the target?" Nan Yijiang said, "Jun Ye, call the police."

"No!" Li Junye grabbed Nan Yijiang's arm.

Huo Tianhui suddenly had a premonition that the target might be herself, and the person behind the scenes might be Yu Tiantian.

This woman is horrible.

In order to control her, he wanted to take photos of her having sex with other men to achieve the purpose of controlling himself, but by accident, Li Junye, who had a bad intention, became a scapegoat.

"Why didn't you call the police? You, a girl, have suffered such a big grievance, why should we endure it so much?" Nan Yijiang asked, "It's okay, I can help you if something happens."

"Nan Yijiang, I said, I don't want it. Do you want everyone around you to know that I was robbed? Do you want to spread it to our village so that my parents can't hold their heads up? Don't be hypocritical. It's all because of you that I was treated like this, I hate you guys." Li Junye ran out after finishing speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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