I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 213 Most of His Friends Are Rich, Tall, Rich and Handsome

Chapter 213 Most of His Friends Are Rich, Tall, Rich and Handsome

"No way, my little uncle said, this is a house developed by H Group, and it's not worth much if you give us a discount." Gu Fei'er thought for a while and thought that the little uncle is the president, and he should give a [-]% discount!

Xia Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said in disapproval: "Come on, I've never heard of any discounts on houses in Group H."

"The H Group is really rich. The deposits of ordinary employees are hundreds of millions, and they can live in a house of more than [-] square meters. I can go to the H Group even if I am not an actor. It is better than the living of an actor."

Gu Fei'er suddenly remembered that she had never talked to Xiao Xiao about her uncle's position in the company.

"Xiao Xiao, actually I want to tell you... my little uncle is not an ordinary employee in Group H."

Before the novel was finished, Xia Xiaoxiao spoke up: "It's okay, Fei'er, although Uncle Huo is not in the leadership class, and even though he doesn't hold the title of second young master of the Qin family, he is handsome and has a high salary. The title is not really important."

She remembered how many zeros Uncle Huo had put on Gu Fei'er's card!

Nima!Xiaoxiao, you still let people finish talking seriously.

What a bastard, the little uncle is not a leader, so it's really strange to live in such a nice house and have a card with a balance of hundreds of millions.

"Fei'er, I don't think you sincerely invited me to eat hot pot, and you didn't even prepare the ingredients."

Just as Gu Fei'er was about to explain, she received a call from Huo Sixuan: "Little Fei'er, eating hot pot this season will make you angry. I'll take you to eat something special."

Gu Fei'er glanced at Xia Xiaoxiao, and opened her mouth to reveal what she wanted to say.

Xia Xiaoxiao nodded excitedly. You must know that she doesn't have to be a hot pot person, after all, it's already summer.

It would be great if you eat barbecue!
The two helped Gu Fei'er clean up in Shanhu World, "Fei'er, I can't do it, I'm exhausted, your uncle is so rich, why don't you hire a part-time worker!"

"We haven't invited anyone here, but there are many at the villa." Gu Fei'er said casually.

What did Xia Xiaoxiao hear?

Uncle Huo still has a villa, is this really an ordinary employee of Group H?

"Fei'er, you're about to get rich. You've got nothing to do, and you've got a super rich man." Xia Xiaoxiao said excitedly.

Gu Fei'er did not deny that the little uncle was really rich.

She doesn't know how much the little uncle is worth, but the little uncle has a villa, and he gave her a card worth hundreds of millions, and even bought her a big red 'Ferrari' car. She hasn't learned to drive yet. Woolen cloth!

At that time, she also casually joked that she wanted the Bugatti Veyron gilt gold, and the little uncle called on the spot to make a reservation.

Now Gu Fei'er felt like a rice bug, eating his uncle's flesh and drinking his blood non-stop.

When she graduates and signed a contract to earn money, she must repay her little uncle and uncle 'Not Confused'.

"Although the little uncle is rich, he is actually very tired. He goes to bed very late every day, and sometimes when I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, the light in his study is still on. In fact, rich people work hard."

"Hey! I feel sorry for your Uncle Huo! Don't want this show of affection. You want to torture me to death as a single dog!"

"Xiao Xiao, if you don't want to be single, let my little uncle introduce his friends to you! Most of his friends are rich, tall, rich and handsome." Gu Fei'er said seriously.

Qin Mutian is an actor, Su Ruihao is Haotian's boss, Fu Han's noisy man is the headmaster, Ji Mingyi is a bit naive, but he seems to be the heir of the Ji family, and the circles that the younger uncle plays are indeed very high-quality.

"Xiao Xiao, tell me which one you are interested in?"

(End of this chapter)

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