I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 232 Is the Parent of Gu Feier from the Acting Department

Chapter 232 Is the Parent of Gu Feier from the Acting Department
The president of Group H, the richest, most mysterious, and most low-key business emperor in City B, if he hadn't been to Group H last time, he would never have known this big man.

He also knows the person next to him, Qin Mutian, the judge and best actor of the Fenghuo production team.

What kind of wind brought these two great gods here.

"Mr. Huo, please come in quickly." President Li said flatteringly: "Mr. Huo and Qin Yingdi, if you have something to do with Li, just ask someone to call me, and I'll be fine. How dare you bother you to come in person. "

Principal Li's flattery made Huo Sixuan frown and feel uncomfortable.

"If I don't come again, my wife will probably be fired." Huo Sixuan asked calmly while sitting on a large chair.

"Madam? Is that Mrs. Huo? She is studying in this school?" Principal Li asked excitedly, asking several questions at once.

God!He should be thankful to the sky or the ground, that the wife of the president of Group H is studying in his school.

Huo Sixuan frowned when he saw Principal Li's surprised and flattering honor, "My wife doesn't want others to know, you should know how to do it?"

"I know, I know, don't worry! I will keep it a secret, so I would like to ask Mr. Huo and Qin Yingdi to come to our school. What are you doing?"

"I'm the parent of Xia Xiaoxiao, a classmate from the acting department."

"I'm the parent of Gu Fei'er from the acting department."

After the two finished speaking, they glanced at each other, and Principal Li was stunned.

How is this going?

He doesn't know the situation!
Then Principal Li said sorry, and walked out of the office with his mobile phone to check with their counselor.

"Li Moran, are you looking for the parents of Gu Fei'er and Xia Xiaoxiao from your class today?" Li Haiming shouted angrily.

Li Moran was a little confused, but he still answered seriously: "I asked them to find it, what's the matter? Principal."

"You did a good job, the parents of other people came to my office." Li Haiming scolded angrily.

Especially how could he offend Gu Fei'er.

Han Miruo is an example, she is still doing plastic surgery in the United States!
"That's just right, I'll go and talk to their parents about their arrogant behavior." Li Moran felt annoyed when he remembered that the two had obviously fought and still refused to accept it.

"You still dare to come, don't you want to live?" Principal Li couldn't help but yelled again.

Li Moran here was scolded like a dog, but he didn't understand what was going on.

"Principal, Gu Fei'er and Xia Xiaoxiao gathered together to beat people, and the other party was Xie Fuling, whose father is a high-level executive of H Group. I know that H Group just donated an art building and library to our school, so I am right Gu Feier and Xia Xiaoxiao are a little stricter, so they can explain to classmate Xie Fuling, at least they won't offend Group H." Li Moran carefully explained to Principal Li.

So that was the case, but this Li Moran really did bad things with good intentions!
Really stupid.

"But do you know who Gu Fei'er's parents and Xia Xiaoxiao's parents are?"

Li Moran also felt drunk, who could it be, the heavenly king?
Based on the information filled in by Gu Feier and Xia Xiaoxiao, there should be no big people in the family!
"I don't know. But Principal Li and the others won't be some big shots!" Li Moran asked tentatively.

"Big man? Humph! Li Moran, you are really dereliction of duty as a counselor."

"Xia Xiaoxiao's parent is Qin Yingdi."

Li Moran was stunned, and hurriedly asked: "What about Gu Fei'er?"

PS: Huo Huo is mighty, doting on his wife has no bottom line, favorite favorites, comments, and votes continue to support Da Wu slowly! !It's time to test your true love, little cuties, my little flours! !
(End of this chapter)

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