Chapter 240
"If it's not embarrassing enough for you to insult your daughter, you can continue to make trouble." After he was afraid that his wife would really make trouble, he reminded: "If you still dare to make trouble, if your daughter is expelled from school, don't say I didn't remind you."

After speaking, Xie Tian went into the bedroom. Feng Ye chased after him unwillingly, and said angrily, "You just let our daughter be wronged like this? In the future, her file will be stained. How can she enter HX Entertainment? But if you want to become a big hit, how can you have such a file! Talk to me! You old man." Feng Ye continued to curse angrily.

"Stop arguing, tomorrow I will go to their school to talk to her leader, see if I can accommodate her, and don't record the file."

"That's about the same." Feng Ye didn't give up until he heard that Xie Tian agreed.

Her husband is a high-level executive of Group H, and now Group H has donated a library and an art building to University B. If he makes any demands now, the school will definitely punish those two little sluts severely for his face.

"Honey, I'll go with you tomorrow." Feng Ye's tone softened when he heard that Xie Tian had agreed to his request.

Seeing his wife's unreasonable appearance, Xie Tian didn't dare to let her go, so he quickly said, "It's even worse if you go."

"Old man, you're still very capable, and you look down on my old lady. When my old lady was with you, you were a fierce shit. Why didn't you despise my old lady at that time, and my old lady will go to make an appointment tomorrow."

"You go, I won't go." After saying that, Xie Tian lay down.

Seeing Xie Tian like this, Feng Ye didn't dare to make a mistake. She knew her husband's temper, and said in a slightly soft tone: "Husband, can't I just not talk when I go? I just want to know what happened to our precious girl. What a big mistake, the school actually gave such a heavy punishment."

Both of them asked for leave the next day and drove to University B. Xie Fuling temporarily suspended classes at home.

The two entered Principal Li's office, Xie Tian was still polite, Feng Ye sat down on the chair, squinted and asked unfriendlyly: "Principal Li, what did my girl do wrong that the school gave her such a heavy punishment?" Punishment?"

Principal Li already knew Xie Tian's identity from Li Moran, and said politely to the two of them: "Student Xie Fuling blatantly provoked her classmates, and everyone fought, which caused serious adverse effects, so the school issued a notice of criticism."

"Are you reporting criticism? You are intentionally retaliating." Feng Ye roared angrily.

"Old Feng, don't say a few words and listen to Principal Li's opinion." Xie Tian comforted Feng Ye's emotions. In fact, he felt that the school's punishment this time was indeed a bit heavy.

"This is the school's regulation, and there is nothing I can do about it." When Principal Li thought of the power of Huo Sixuan and Qin Mutian, he didn't dare to reveal their identities directly, so he could only be perfunctory like this.

"You have nothing to do. I don't think you should be the principal. Since it was a fight, why was my daughter injured? Why was my daughter the only one who was punished so severely? Tell me, if you don't Give me a word, and I'll sue you for abuse of power."

"Thank you, mom, don't get excited. Things always have a cause and a result. Murderers also have masterminds and accomplices. After all, your daughter is the first to provoke the incident. You can't be unreasonable."

"I'm just being unreasonable, what's the matter? What are you?" Feng Ye stood up after speaking, and rushed towards Principal Li aggressively.

PS: For Xie Tian's sake, don't punish him too much. After all, this man is still a very sensible father.Monthly pass for cuties! !
(End of this chapter)

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