I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 251 Give birth to a cute little bun

Chapter 251 Give birth to a cute little bun

'child? 'Huo Tianyi glanced at the beautiful and refined little girl. Apart from being a little thin, she was also well-developed.

Coupled with his good appearance, if he gave birth to a cute little bun, no matter whether it is a son or a daughter, he must be beautiful!
With stubborn tears in her heart, Xia Nuan turned her head and looked out the window. She has someone she likes, but they are destined not to be together!

She was already dirty, how could she be worthy of such a clean and handsome him.

Xia Nuanxin covered her mouth, trying not to let her tears stay. If her mother hadn't been sick and her father wasn't so gambler, would she still enjoy the nine-to-five white-collar life like other girls now? A person I like shows affection in various ways, gets married and has a bunch of cute children.

But now she was relying on her own body to cling to an arrogant and rude man, and various complicated emotions flowed through her heart.

Xia Nuanxin finally coughed, and tears flowed down her cheeks unconsciously. She felt that she was living a humble life, and even thought that if her mother could not be rescued this time, it would be good to go to heaven with her.

After going to heaven, everything is quiet, and I am no longer so tired. There is no one I am attached to in this world, and everything is like myself.

Huo Tianyi, who was driving, saw the little girl's stubborn tears, and would rather bear them than be lazy to shed them. He felt faintly worried.

"Don't worry! I've asked the best doctor to rescue your mother. Tomorrow, experts from abroad will come here for consultation. I've been contacting the best kidney source. I'm sure you'll be fine." Huo Tianyi's obvious voice softened. .

Xia Nuanxin took out a tissue and wiped her face, but said nothing.

Huo Tianyi was a little embarrassed. He was so gentle to her, so who would he show her?

When the two arrived at the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xia Nuanxin saw her father Xia Wu sitting listlessly on the rest seat, simply waiting, a little decadent.

"Dad." Xia Nuan called out heartily.

"Xin'er, you're here." After speaking, the circles of his eyes turned red, he slapped hard, and said cursingly: "It's all my fault, if it wasn't for me, your mother wouldn't have dragged her so hard."

Xia Nuanxin didn't stop him from beating herself. In fact, she also blamed him a little bit in her heart. Obviously all of this could be avoided, but his father was a gambler.

Xia Nuanxin looked at the closed emergency room, and felt sad in her heart. If her mother left, she would be relieved, and she would not live so dirty for anyone again.

The sadness and despair in Xia Nuanxin's eyes made Huo Tianyi feel a little scared

The little girl won't be overwhelmed!
Xia Nuanxin raised her head and glanced at Huo Tianyi, who was looking at her, and said without emotion: "Thank you Mr. Huo, please take me to the hospital today, it's getting late, you should go home quickly, or else the family members will be in trouble." Hurry up and wait."

His expression was stubborn and cold, and he couldn't see the relationship between the two, but Xia Wu knew in his heart that his daughter was still with Huo Tianyi in the middle of the night, and he was not a fool, of course he knew what the two of them did.

There was nothing he could do, he hated himself to death.

During this period of time, the daughter said that she moved to the company's dormitory, and invited Gao Nu to take care of her wife.

She didn't say it, and he didn't ask, but he knew it in his heart.

I guess my wife understands too!How can this depressed mood be suitable for recuperation.

Hearing Xia Nuanxin's words, Huo Tianyi did not leave in a hurry, and narrowed his beautiful peach blossom eyes to look at Xia Nuanxin complicatedly.

"I'll go back when your mother wakes up."

(End of this chapter)

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