Chapter 254 The object of thousands of fans YY

When she arrived at the school, Xia Xiaoxiao said mysteriously: "Fei'er, you don't know yet, the list of social internships assigned by our department to major companies has been posted."

"You said that we are going to be actors in the future, and what kind of internship are we going to do? It's really a formality."

In fact, Gu Fei'er doesn't understand why the school assigns juniors to major companies every year, and some of them don't even have the right majors.

It is also euphemistically said: "Get in touch with the society earlier, in order to graduate better and find a job better." '

In fact, it is not to promote the school and increase the social status of the school.

Of course, there are also some excellent ones who can stay in the enterprise and continue to work.

This summer vacation, she still wants to have fun!Well, learn how to drive by the way.

It's annoying to be busy again!
"Come on, little one, I'm going to check the posted list too."

"What are you looking at? You will definitely be assigned to the H Group, your husband's company, you are not a god for every minute, hey! I don't know what will happen? I don't know which unit you will be assigned to? "Xia Xiaoxiao said in a low voice.

Gu Fei'er said in a low voice: "My little uncle and I are secretly married, no one knows my identity, I don't want to be a grandmother every day and be confessed by others, I just want to find a career I like, and I don't want to rely on my little uncle. "

"Pretentious, others just want to find this kind of opportunity to be offered by others, and there is no chance of being offered by others. You have this capital and don't use it." Xia Xiaoxiao teased Gu Fei'er as she walked.

"Xiao Xiao, don't say that, the first requirement for us to graduate and enter an entertainment company next year is to be single."

Xia Xiaoxiao suddenly laughed, and said ambiguously: "Fei'er, you don't want to hide your handsome and wealthy Uncle Huo's hidden marriage!"

Gu Fei'er didn't speak, it was her default.

"May'er, you are a little out of character. You have to know that your uncle is the president of Group H. How many women want to climb into his bed! You hide and tuck in like this, which is equivalent to giving others Opportunity for a woman, don't blame my sister for not telling you in advance."

When Gu Fei'er heard Xia Xiaoxiao's words, she actually thought it made sense, but would the little uncle like other women?

In fact, she doesn't have much confidence in herself, at least she hasn't met a strong opponent now.

The two came to the front of the bulletin board, and there were already many people standing. Xia Xiaoxiao squeezed in hard and took a few photos.

"Fei'er, I'm assigned to the Qin family." Xia Xiaoxiao jumped up excitedly.

Does it mean that if you are assigned to the Qin family, you can often watch the Great Qin actor?

However, once Xia Xiaoxiao thought about the full schedule of Qin Yingdi, she probably wouldn't have the chance to meet him. It was that scumbag Qin Mubai who was managing the company.

Immediately it was hard!

"Xiao Xiao, you don't have to be so uncomfortable. After the summer vacation, we will enter the war with Qin Yingdi, and there will always be a chance to meet." Gu Fei'er seemed to see Xia Xiaoxiao's little thoughts.

"I don't want to see him, with a paralyzed face."

It was Gu Fei'er's turn to tease her. "That's right! With this paralyzed face, he is the film king, the object of thousands of fans' flirting, and a certain person still doesn't admit that he likes him!"

"Fei'er, don't make trouble, it depends on how I am worthy of Qin Yingdi." Xia Xiaoxiao said helplessly.

How can she be worthy of the identity of a junior girl and second daughter!

"Xiao Xiao, you have to be confident, even if he is the film king, what's wrong? Isn't he a human being, but a god?"

He is not a human being, but a male god, the male god in the hearts of thousands of women, okay?
Of course, he is also the male god in my heart. He is a human being, but he is not an ordinary person!
(End of this chapter)

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