I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 279 Doesn't match the image of the jade girl on TV at all

Chapter 279 Doesn't match the image of the jade girl on TV at all

Huo Sixuan tasted so good that he simply didn't come back.

After waiting for a minute, Gu Fei'er found that Uncle 'Bu Confused' seemed a little angry, and sent another message: "Uncle Bu Confused, I want to tell you that I have been working hard to match myself with Uncle Huo Sixuan. The value is too high, too rich, and I am not born well, I am not beautiful or smart, and I often get him into trouble."

Speaking of the deep grievance and inferiority at the end.

Huo Sixuan can now imagine the cute look of the little girl holding her chin, looking at the screen, and pouting her little mouth.

"Little Fei'er is the most beautiful, how could he not be worthy of him." Seeing the message from Uncle Buhuo, Gu Fei'er opened her mouth and giggled.

Gu Fei'er immediately sent another text message to 'Buhuo': "Uncle Buhuo, so I can be worthy of Uncle Huo Sixuan?"

Still a question mark, huh, huh!If she doesn't reply, this girl is really going to break the casserole and ask the bottom line.

"More than enough." Huo Sixuan sent another message stupidly.

The little girl finally stopped talking, and finally sent him a 'hehe laughing emoji'.

Huo Sixuan shook his head, angry with his little Fei'er, he could only be angry with himself, there was no way, she was just a little girl, she was angry with others, but she didn't know it at all.

Gu Fei'er was in a very good mood, she got up and started to make lunch, and the helper at home wouldn't let her, so what should she do?Make what my uncle likes to eat and send it to H Group.

It is said that if you want to grab a man's heart, you have to grab his stomach. She understands this.

The little uncle likes light stir-fries, and also likes to drink soup with a strong smell.

Gu Fei'er made two small green vegetables for him, made throttle prawns and braised short ribs for herself, and made shrimp lump porridge.

"Hehe! You're done." It took a whole morning and a lot of effort to pack all the vegetables and soup.

Let the driver at home send it to Group H.

Gu Fei'er's face has become a pass, and no one has stopped her.

Gu Fei'er went into the office on the 66th floor carrying a large bag and a soup box, and found that the little uncle was not there.

However, she found a familiar face sitting on the sofa, and Gu Feier recognized it immediately. This woman was the popular actress Mi Lu.

Why is she in the little uncle's office?
Mi Lu raised her beautiful red phoenix eyes, her enchanting eyes were filled with disdain, and she looked proudly at Gu Fei'er who walked in.

Gu Fei'er also saw the hostility in this woman's eyes, she was so revealingly dressed, she wanted to show her boobs, it was disgusting.

It doesn't match the image of the jade girl on TV at all.

"Did no one teach you to knock before entering someone's office?" Mi Lu asked sharply.

"Sorry! No one taught me. My father died a long time ago, and my mother remarried. I grew up in an orphanage. I'm just an uneducated wild child. I don't look like your big star."

Gu Fei'er also counterattacked sharply. She originally thought that this woman had some acting skills, but she didn't expect that she was such a thing in private.

"You're a little girl who delivers food, you're really capable." Mi Lu stood up after finishing speaking, and quickly came to Gu Fei'er.

Wearing a sky-high dress, twisting her water snake waist, she came to Gu Fei'er, taller than Gu Fei'er by a full head.

Mi Lu is transformed into a model, and with high heels, her head is close to 1.8 meters.

And Gu Fei'er is actually not short, she is also over 1.6 meters five, but she has always liked to wear comfortable sneakers, so this aura is properly compared.

PS: Cuties, it seems that comments, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets and rewards have all decreased recently. Where are you, my true love, Little Flour?Manman has just started working these days and will temporarily update four chapters at noon and three chapters at night. Don't skip and watch, otherwise you won't be able to connect!The emotional entanglements and grievances between the male and female protagonists in the book are very exciting, don't miss it! !

 Come on and support me! !Thank you little cuties for your support! VIP book friend group: 618895719
(End of this chapter)

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