Chapter 283 Only Marries Gu Feier as a Wife
Gu Fei'er was about to stubbornly refuse, but her stomach was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back, what should I do?
Huo Sixuan continued to coax: "Little Fei'er, if you can't become popular as an actor in the future, you should choose H Group as a chef. The salary is absolutely top-notch."

Gu Fei'er sat up angrily and glared at someone: "If I can't be popular as an actor, I'll eat, drink, and live in yours. If I don't do anything, I'll just move myself to this office." Come here, looking at you every day, clinging to you makes you sick."

Huo Sixuan laughed lowly, what is going on with this little guy?
Is this vinegar a bit big?

Hearing that Huo Sixuan didn't speak, but just looked at her, Gu Fei'er became even angrier.

"Do you think I'm being vexatious? Do you now feel that I'm not good enough for you and you don't want me anymore? I knew that men are like this. After the freshness wears off, they don't care." Started to flow down.

Huo Sixuan took out a piece of paper, sat down and wiped away Gu Feier's tears, suddenly imprisoned her in his arms, and said word by word: "I, Huo-Si-Xuan, swear now that I will only marry Gu Fei'er for the rest of my life." When a woman is his wife, no matter what happens in the future, and no matter how unreasonable Xiao Feier is in the future, she will never divorce her, never cheat, never..."

Still wanting to say something, Gu Feier covered his mouth all of a sudden, Gu Feier was stunned by the sudden confession, did she really go too far.

Maybe the little uncle and that Michelle really have something important to discuss.

"I told you to swear, you are not vulgar, what age are you?" Gu Fei'er covered Huo Sixuan's thin lips coquettishly.

In fact, she was already happy in her heart. When she saw Michelle, she was so beautiful, with burning eyes, and so charming. She just felt that the little uncle belonged to her alone and was coveted by others. She just felt uncomfortable, what should I do?
Because the little girl cooked it for him, Huo Sixuan ate a lot.

"Little uncle, how is my craft?" Gu Fei'er asked earnestly.

Huo Sixuan looked at the empty food, stretched out his hand to wipe off the food stains on Gu Fei'er's face, and replied with a smile: "So-so."

So-so, you still eat so clean!
"Since this is the case, I won't do it next time, so as not to affect my little uncle's appetite." The elder with a pouted mouth.

After eating enough, Gu Fei'er was bored in every possible way, looking at the calendar on the clock.

Tomorrow is the weekend, and next week will be the summer vacation, and she will come to H Group for an internship.

"Little uncle, I want to discuss something with you." Gu Fei'er said with some embarrassment.

"Well, what's wrong with little Fei'er?"

"Next week, I will be reporting for an internship at Group H." Gu Fei'er suddenly hugged Huo Sixuan's neck, and said coquettishly.

"Well, so?" Huo Sixuan raised his eyebrows and asked.

PS: The fourth shift at noon is over, and there will be a third shift in the evening. Little cuties, please continue to cheer and support me!Where are your recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and support comments and high ratings?Why can't I see it!Qin Yingdi and Xiaoyou have very important roles in the back, don't worry!Let's develop according to the plot!

 VIP book friend group: 618895719 Hey!Give me a tip, cuties!It's so long to cover your face, what you want is not reasonable, I don't understand!
(End of this chapter)

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