Chapter 294 Qin Mutian Comes

Seeing the strange eyes from around, Xia Xiaoxiao said deliberately and confidently.

Originally, this dance will cost a lot of money, so many celebrities are invited, where did the money come from?It's not corrupt.

"Yes! Xiao Xiao, keep your voice down, we'll try our best not to cause trouble." Xia Nuanxin also reminded her in a low voice.

The three of them stopped talking and kept looking at the young models and celebrities who walked in.

"Senior sister, Xiao Xiao. Look, that's Yang Youmei, the heroine who lives in love."

"Yeah! Her boyfriend is Hu Yihang, her best CP."

"That's the new young model Zhao Mengyao, the one who had an affair with the senior director He Hong some time ago, and she got divorced because of this."

"Fei'er, look quickly, Qin Mutian is here, he is at the level of a movie king!" Xia Nuanxin reminded in a low voice.

Hearing the reminder, Xia Xiaoxiao raised her head abruptly, and saw Qin Mutian walking towards the westernmost end of the main hall expressionlessly, and Pei Muran was still hugging his arm intimately.

Xia Xiaoxiao's heart ached slightly, and her good mood became depressed.

Before the shirt I bought for him was sent out, I had no chance.

It seems that I still love to dream too much, and I thought that Qin Yingdi was still interesting to me!
Turns out it was all wishful thinking.

Seeing Xia Xiaoxiao's slightly changed mood, Gu Fei'er asked in a low voice: "Xiaoxiao, are you okay?"

Xia Xiaoxiao shrugged and said it didn't matter: "What can I do."

The heart has begun to cry, but she still has to be strong.

Xia Nuanxin seemed to understand it all at once, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Xiao, do you like Qin Yingdi?"

"No, I just admire his acting skills. You know he is an excellent actor. He has many fans. I am just one of them. I am just a die-hard fan. When I see my idol has a girlfriend, I feel so sad. It's uncomfortable, but it's okay, compared to people, I like his acting more. It's okay! Don't worry." Xia Xiaoxiao explained seriously to conceal the disappointment in her heart.

There is no beginning and no end.

No love, no friendship.

She and Qin Yingdi are just passers-by in each other's life journey.

There were more and more people in the main hall, Gu Feier, Xia Xiaoxiao and Xia Nuanxin seemed to be depressed because of Xia Xiaoxiao.

Xia Nuanxin also thought of her love, she couldn't get it, and she had to endure Huo Tianyi, a pervert, tossing her to death on the bed every day.

She is his employee. I have heard that he has many women. Changing women is like changing clothes. But why is this pervert still so energetic at night?

And it seems that she is still very enthusiastic about this matter. She who bullies her every day begs for mercy before she is willing to let her go.

Therefore, rumors in the world are often not credible, and the specific situation can only be known after experience.

But why this pervert gave her a marriage suddenly, she didn't know this, maybe she needed a wife to maintain her image!
No, because no one knew about their hidden marriage, and no wedding was held.

Gu Fei'er didn't think much about it. Now she and her little uncle get along very well. The first person has become a thing of the past, and the most important thing is to seize the present.

Several people kept thinking about their own concerns, and huddled in the corner. At this time, the voice of the host came: "Everyone, friends, today is the birthday party of Vice Mayor Li's daughter Li Yihuan..."

(End of this chapter)

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