I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 402 I'm So Forgetful I Didn't Hear Gu Fei'er Walking In

Chapter 402 I'm So Forgetful I Didn't Hear Gu Fei'er Walking In
"But such a big matter, how should we deal with it!" Gu Fei'er turned around anxiously.

Huo Sixuan saw his little girl getting angry because of other men, he said angrily: "Little Fei'er, I don't allow you to care about other men so much, Qin Mutian is not as weak as imagined."

"Little uncle, I don't care about Qin Mutian, I'm just worried about Xiaoxiao, you know? Xiaoxiao is already with Qin Mutian now, Qin Mutian's affairs are small things, I'm afraid Xiaoxiao will be impulsive." Gu Fei Son explained.

Huo Sixuan laughed when he heard the little girl's serious explanation: "Where are you now?"

"I'm at work, where else can I go." Gu Fei'er said with some complaints.

Uncle, I have no sympathy at all.

"Say hello to your manager now, I'll pick you up in a while." Huo Sixuan said with a smile.

"I haven't got off work yet, so it's not good to ask for leave." Gu Fei'er wept.

"Aren't you worried about Little Xia?" Huo Sixuan asked softly.

Gu Fei'er walked out of the office and went directly to Manager Zou's office.Knocked on the door, but no one answered. Gu Feier knocked again, but still no one spoke.

Anxious Gu Fei'er pushed the door open and walked in.I was dumbfounded when I entered the door!

Gu Fei'er found that Manager Zou was facing the door, unable to see his expression, and Wang Mofei, who was assigned to the H Group branch with him, was squatting under his crotch, swallowing Manager Zou's disgusting things.

The two of them must have lost their love and didn't hear Gu Fei'er walking in.

But it was working hours, if the two of them really wanted to, they could just find a hotel after work, they even forgot to close the door, maybe it was just a spur of the moment.

"Go on, I didn't see anything." Gu Fei'er was stunned for a while, and all kinds of desires flew through her heart.

What is this!Is this the workplace life?
Hearing Gu Feier's voice, Zou Shuo immediately pushed Wang Mofei over, and said sharply, "You said you were sending a document, but you insisted on pouring water for me, and wet my pants carelessly."

Zou Shuo explained to Gu Feier while lifting his pants.

Wang Mofei next to him looked angry.

This year's interns will select five outstanding interns to work in H Group.

For this quota, she can only reward Zou Shuo, whose daughter-in-law is pregnant and dissatisfied with desire.

"Manager Zou, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Wang Mofei gave Gu Fei'er a hard look.

It was this stinky woman who ruined her own good deed, and didn't even know to knock on the door before entering.

Zou Shuo came over with a smile and asked, "Student Gu, what's the matter?"

He couldn't offend Gu Fei'er. He didn't know the reason. Manager Fan from the HR department told him many times that he wanted to take care of her, but he still didn't tell him the reason.

It is estimated that it is the person above.

"Oh, Manager Zou, I want to ask for a leave of absence and ask you to sign a leave note." Gu Fei'er explained the reason for coming.

Wang Mofei, who was next to him, saw Zou Shuo's fawning manner on Gu Fei'er, and his teeth itched with anger.

This Gu Fei'er is just good-looking, it is estimated that the appearance of clear soup and little water must be more attractive to men.

Pretending to be innocent, maybe she is also a shameless bitch in private.

"In the future, if you are in a hurry to leave, you can just sign a leave note yourself and just leave. After finishing the business, come back to sell the leave and bring it to me directly. You don't need to come here to ask for leave again."

The big hand also patted Gu Fei'er on the shoulder: "Work hard, try to get a recommendation from an excellent intern in two months, it will be good for your future job hunting, I heard that you can stay in Group H directly." Zou Shuo is like a good manager They also encouraged Gu Fei'er.

(End of this chapter)

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