Chapter 409 You Are A Lucky Fan
Xia Xiaoxiao came over suddenly, hugged his back from behind, and whispered: "Handsome, very handsome, so handsome, I can't get enough of him."

Qin Mutian's big hand was attached to Xia's small little hand, and the corners of his mouth curved even wider. Turning around, his thin and cool mouth kissed the little girl's delicate mouth like water, lingering and lingering.

"Film Emperor Qin, let me go, the food is going to be mushy."

Xia Xiaoxiao gently pushed Qin Mutian away, her face blushing.

Seeing the shy look of the little girl, Qin Mutian suddenly felt that his mood was not so bad.

In my most difficult days, at least one person is with me.

Unlike many years ago, after his mother passed away, he lived alone.

I don't know who to turn to if I want to tell.

Xia Xiaoxiao's heart was beating irregularly, and even though she was stirring the vegetables, her eyes kept looking at Qin Mutian.

Seeing the little girl's eyes, Qin Mutian put himself around the little girl from behind.

"Xiao Xiao, after this period of time, I will tell my father, and then we will get engaged, and I will be responsible to you."

Xia Xiaoxiao was really startled when she heard the word 'engagement'. The two had just confirmed their relationship, so it was too early to get engaged.

"Don't be so anxious, I don't want you to be responsible for me, you and I are voluntary." Xia Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that she was so humble and careful when facing the male god.

"Xiao Xiao, I'm a man, and I won't let you be criticized by others. You don't need to be under pressure." Qin Mutian explained lightly.

Xia Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that the male god is really manly and has a good character, and now she wants to pounce on him again!

"Thank you, Qin Yingdi."

Qin Mutian helped her serve the dishes, put them on the dining table, and sat side by side with Xia Xiaoxiao, suddenly kissed her sideways and said, "Student, should you change your mind?" His expression suddenly became serious.

"Change, change what?" Xia Xiaoxiao asked in surprise.

It's been called that all the time, what else can it be changed to?
"Fool, all the fans call me Qin Yingdi, how can you still call me that?" Qin Mutian's cold face suddenly flushed, it was the irresistible tenderness for Xiao Xiao.

"But I'm one of your fans."

"But you are a lucky fan. Other fans can only see it on TV, but you have it in real life."

Qin Mutian spoke seriously, without any expression on his face, as if such ambiguous words did not come from his mouth.

When Xia Xiaoxiao heard Qin Mutian's word 'eat', her little face turned red instantly.

"Then what should I call you?" Xia Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice.

Qin Mutian put a piece of yam in his mouth for her, and said slowly: "As you wish."

"Call you God? No, that's what they all call you."

"Calling you Young Master Qin? No way! They men call you that." Xia Xiaoxiao denied several titles in a row, and didn't know what to call Qin Mutian for a while.

After all, she still wanted to call him an intimate and special name.

Qin Mutian took another bite of braised pork for her, "Try it."

"If you don't eat meat, you will get fat." Xia Xiaoxiao said a little irritatedly, but she couldn't find a suitable and not awkward title.

"It's fine to call me husband in private." Qin Mutian said in an unastonishing tone.

Xia Xiaoxiao thought about calling Qin Mutian intimately, but Gu Fei'er probably never called Uncle Huo that way before.

(End of this chapter)

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