I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 412 The little woman who loves to eat vinegar

Chapter 412 The little woman who loves to eat vinegar
"Muran, after so many years, you know that I have always regarded you as my sister. You should be very clear about the friendship between us. It is not love."

Pei Muran here screamed when he heard the word 'sister': "Qin Mutian, I don't want to be your sister, I love you, I have always loved you, such a big thing happened to me, your crisis public relations, you have Didn't you consider my feelings? I'm ruined like this, do you know that?" Pei Muran asked sharply.

"Mu Ran, listen to me. I'll call the police for you. You hold a press conference and bring Li Nuo to justice. Your reputation in the circle is good, and you will be forgiven by the public. Even if the public doesn't accept it for a while, I will I will help you." It was rare for Qin Mutian to explain so much to her.

"I don't want to hold a press conference, I don't want to..." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Mu Ran, Mu Ran..." Qin Mutian yelled loudly twice.

Immediately call her assistant, Mary.

"Mary, go to Pei Muran's house right away. See if she's okay, and then tell me."

After finishing speaking, Qin Mutian began to put on his clothes, "Xiao Xiao, come with me, I think something will happen to Pei Muran, she has a very awkward temper."

"I still won't go, she may be more excited when she sees me."

"Let's go together. No matter what, she has to recognize this fact. I don't love her. The friendship between me and her will never become a couple. She must recognize this fact." Qin Mutian and Xiao Xiao seriously explain.

"Okay, let me change my clothes."

Qin Mutian only wore a sun-shielding mask, which is often less likely to attract attention.

If you cover it too tightly, it will be easier for people to recognize it.

As soon as the two got into the car, Mary called in a hurry, crying anxiously: "Actor Qin, go to the hospital quickly, I just called an ambulance, but she cut her wrist."

"Okay, I'll go over immediately."

Seeing Qin Mutian's anxious look, Xia Xiaoxiao hurriedly asked, "How is Pei Muran?"

"He committed suicide by cutting his wrists." Qin Mutian said weakly.

"Ah! What can I do? Is there any danger?"

"Called an ambulance and is on the way to the city hospital."

After Qin Mutian finished speaking, he called Fu Han and asked him to prevent reporters from sneaking in at the special channel of the hospital.

Qin Mutian and Xia Xiaoxiao entered the urban hospital through the special passage through the back door.

He went directly into Fu Han's office.

"God, you're here." Fu Han warmly greeted Qin Mutian, saw Xia Xiaoxiao in a blink of an eye, and asked, "So the photos and posts on the Internet are real, and you're out of order?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't have time to talk to you now."

Fu Han directly turned on the computer, and switched the screen to Pei Muran's office where he was undergoing surgery.

Doctors and nurses are doing their best to rescue him.

"Is she okay?" Qin Mutian asked lightly.

Fu Han saw Qin Mutian's anxious eyes, then glanced at the expressionless Xia Xiaoxiao, shook his head and said, "It's hard to say."

"What is difficult to say? You must save her."

Although Xia Xiaoxiao is not a narrow-minded person, but seeing Qin Mutian get angry for other women at this moment, she still felt weird.

"Film Emperor Qin, don't worry, the doctor is in the rescue, Miss Pei should be fine." Although she said comforting words, her heart was still very sore.

Although she knew that the relationship between Qin Mutian and Pei Muran was not the kind of relationship she imagined, but the uniqueness and exclusivity of love made her become a jealous little woman.

(End of this chapter)

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