I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 423 You have to have confidence in your man

Chapter 423 You have to have confidence in your man
Qin Mutian then went into the kitchen by himself, and soon two nutritious breakfasts were ready.

"Sushi? Qin Yingdi, you can cook foreign cuisine." Gu Fei'er stared at the two brightly colored sushi with wide-eyed eyes, and asked in disbelief.

How many surprises this man will bring to himself.

Qin Mutian slowly explained: "When I was in college, I learned from some foreign friends. It looks good but I don't know how it tastes." Qin Mutian said modestly: "In the past, those foreign friends said that what I made was Chinese and foreign. Combination, not very authentic."

Gu Fei'er sat down, took a sip, and nodded: "Yeah! It's delicious, this is enough to be a chef, and I'm already very satisfied."

I was a little embarrassed to be praised by my little woman.

Qin Mutian hurriedly changed the subject: "Xiao Xiao, you live here for the past few days. I come here every night. I will calm down Pei Muran's emotions first, and then you can move back to Minghan Residence."

Hearing Pei Muran, Xia Xiaoxiao's mood dropped significantly. She was the biggest obstacle between the two of them.

"Film Emperor Qin, I'll just live here temporarily. Although it's small, it's very warm. I can't stand living under the same roof with her." Xia Xiaoxiao said sadly.

Qin Mutian reached out and touched Xia Xiaoxiao's head, feeling a little touched in his heart: "Xiaoxiao, you have been wronged."

"No, I threw down my idol, how can this be considered wronged?" Even though he said so, only he knew the pain in his heart.

"I won't make you wait too long, Xiao Xiao, you have to have confidence in your man." Qin Mutian's eyes were full of powerlessness and helplessness.

Pei Muran saved his life, he can't abandon her.

But the woman who looked at him wronged him so much, how could he not understand in his heart.

I hope that Pei Muran can slowly let go of his feelings for him.

"I believe in you, and I will always wait for you." Xia Xiaoxiao ate sushi slowly.

I don't know if I will have the courage to wait forever.

If Pei Muran commits suicide as soon as he asks to be left, there will always be her between her and Qin Mutian.

Can she continue to promise him so swearingly?
"Xiao Xiao, I know you feel uncomfortable, I..." Qin Mutian's voice was a little choked up, and he was also embarrassed.

He also thought that he was a ruthless person, but he couldn't be indifferent to Pei Muran, he owed her his life.

Xia Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand and covered his mouth.

"Qin Mutian, stop talking, let's eat first, I understand, you don't need to explain."

After they were full, Qin Mutian sent Xia Xiaoxiao to Qin's, and he himself returned to Minghan Residence.

In Qin Mutian Minghan's living room, Pei Muran ran over with tears on his pale face and bandages on his hands.

"God, since you're back, I knew you wouldn't ignore me." Pei Muran hugged Qin Mutian's back tightly.

Qin Mutian paused, "Nu Ran, let go."

There was an undeniable chill in the deserted voice.

Pei Muran let go of his hand gently, and said aggrievedly: "God, you didn't treat me like this before."

"Mu Ran, I treat you well, it may have caused your illusion. I really want to say sorry here, but in fact, I have always regarded you as my younger sister." Qin Mutian slowly instilled this thought in her.

Let her agree with it from the bottom of her heart.

"I don't want to be your sister, I want to be your woman." After finishing speaking, she began to scream and throw things, and her emotions began to lose control.

(End of this chapter)

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